Its a big deal to me when I work an eight hour day, I have drove to 3-4 counties, done numerous searches, and all I want to do is come home and email out orders so I can see my family before falling into bed. I'm a one person title company. I don't want to spend my evenings typing in searches. I don't work in a title plant, or carry around a laptop to do data entry and I'm not on someone's payroll. I'm basically being asked to do someone else's job - which is how I see it.
Do you charge the same rates to run the search and then type it in? To me its doubling the work since I still have to have my written report, and then I would have to also type their order in.
I'm sure you can disclaim anything, but at the end of the day when something is typed incorrect - its going to come back on you since you typed it. I would still have to check with my insurance provider and see what they say - since I'm insured for title searches (not data entry) - IF I go that route (which I'm not thrilled about).
Also their site does not allow for uploads. So what happens when I get a search with 54 state tax liens (like I had a couple weeks ago)? Am I really expected to waste my life typing that in?
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