There are no vacationers on the Neck in the sense that people are coming and going all season. Little Neck is a section of Ipswich that sits on a hill surrounded on three sides by water. The views are spectacular, but the houses are pretty much all very small. No McMansions out there (at least there weren't any the last time I was out there). The people who live there get kicked out in the winter due to sewer issues; there are only a few, grandfathered, year round homes - otherwise, as soon as they are able to, the summer people come back to live there for as many months as they can. It's a wonderful place, because of the views, but not on a terribly grand scale - it's not like Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket.
The whole Feoffees v Town has been going on forever. Hopefully this will finally straighten the whole mess out.
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