I don't answer random emails asking for quotes. If they want to shop prices, they can go elsewhere because they're probably not going to do anything but waste my time. But I have a client who has asked me for quotes twice now for remote counties. Both times, he's emailed me after hours, and I've given him answers on how much, only to get an email the next day that "client is canceling orders." I'm not going to quote for him anymore either because I fully believe he's either completing the orders himself online or he's shopping my fees. I will go to a remote county for a good client, but I'm not going to educate him on these remote counties only to have him turn around and "cancel" the order (which I never got to begin with) because he's done it online and saved himself the money. Saving money by doing it himself is one thing, but don't cut into my time after hours for "quotes" when you don't have any intention of sending it to me anyway.
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