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Mortgage avoided by bankruptcy judge due to improper acknowledgement - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/25/2012 6:21:24 PM (5192 views)
Interesting reading in any state - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
2/27/2012 1:45:30 PM (2767 views)
Re: Interesting reading in any state - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 2:58:00 PM (2768 views)
Re: Interesting reading in any state - Patrick Scott/IL
2/27/2012 9:47:02 PM (2620 views)
Re: Interesting reading in any state - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 10:57:39 PM (2786 views)

351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/24/2012 9:44:22 PM (4641 views)
Re: 351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/27/2012 10:02:54 AM (2597 views)
Re: 351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 10:05:09 AM (2629 views)
Re: 351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Patrick Scott/IL
2/27/2012 10:04:56 PM (2608 views)
Re: 351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 10:53:33 PM (2597 views)
Re: 351 year old will sparks bitter dispute in Massachusetts - Anita Backlund/MN
2/28/2012 8:17:35 PM (2562 views)

Price of fuel and work? - Carla Curry/KY
2/23/2012 7:24:18 PM (3187 views)
Re: Price of fuel and work? - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/27/2012 10:04:35 AM (2825 views)
Re: Price of fuel and work? - Carla Curry/KY
2/27/2012 1:59:21 PM (2725 views)
Re: Price of fuel and work? - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/27/2012 2:50:53 PM (2638 views)
Re: Price of fuel and work? - Philip Apter/CT
2/27/2012 1:36:08 PM (2632 views)
Re: Price of fuel and work? - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 3:14:06 PM (2641 views)

not being paid - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA
2/22/2012 7:43:31 PM (4110 views)
Re: not being paid - Jason Knowles/AL
2/23/2012 4:55:24 PM (3062 views)
Re: not being paid - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA
2/24/2012 6:48:44 AM (3036 views)
Re: not being paid - John Baker/OH
2/26/2012 10:28:01 AM (3068 views)
Re: not being paid - John Baker/OH
2/26/2012 10:25:47 AM (3011 views)
Re: not being paid - tom abramovich/NY
2/27/2012 7:37:08 PM (2758 views)
Re: not being paid - Nils Nelson/ME
2/27/2012 8:10:22 PM (2767 views)
Re: not being paid - tom abramovich/NY
2/27/2012 8:36:43 PM (2716 views)
Re: not being paid - Joyce Obrien/PA
2/28/2012 9:36:17 AM (2709 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - george Hubka/MI
3/1/2012 9:52:26 PM (2596 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/2/2012 6:28:20 AM (2703 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Jessica Talley/FL
3/2/2012 2:18:57 PM (2532 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Robert Franco/OH
3/2/2012 7:19:49 PM (2653 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - tom abramovich/NY
3/5/2012 5:15:30 PM (2469 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Jessica Talley/FL
3/5/2012 7:48:30 PM (2455 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - tom abramovich/NY
3/5/2012 8:14:03 PM (2538 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/6/2012 8:02:38 AM (2444 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - tom abramovich/NY
3/6/2012 3:51:41 PM (2430 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/6/2012 4:16:59 PM (2362 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - tom abramovich/NY
3/6/2012 5:06:53 PM (2440 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/6/2012 5:13:17 PM (2427 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - tom abramovich/NY
3/6/2012 5:23:54 PM (2397 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Jessica Talley/FL
3/6/2012 7:05:45 PM (2455 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Dorothy Payne/NY
3/8/2012 2:03:03 AM (2340 views)
User blocked/banned. - Slade Smith/OH
3/6/2012 7:07:47 PM (2484 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Scott Perry/PA
3/6/2012 9:42:16 PM (2356 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
3/7/2012 8:44:25 AM (2290 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Scott Perry/PA
3/6/2012 9:38:54 AM (2411 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Jessica Talley/FL
3/6/2012 6:58:20 PM (2391 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Sheila Sten/PA
3/7/2012 8:55:21 AM (2396 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/7/2012 9:23:48 AM (2252 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Slade Smith/OH
3/7/2012 10:50:38 AM (2357 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Jessica Talley/FL
3/7/2012 11:17:34 AM (2291 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Joyce Obrien/PA
3/7/2012 2:15:50 PM (2303 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Slade Smith/OH
3/7/2012 5:34:59 PM (2472 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Joyce Obrien/PA
3/7/2012 6:13:51 PM (2243 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - george Hubka/MI
3/9/2012 4:26:48 PM (2274 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/7/2012 6:20:05 PM (2340 views)
Re: not being paid-Thanks Nils - Marian Severance/PA
3/10/2012 7:33:33 AM (2206 views)

not being paid - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA
2/22/2012 7:43:29 PM (2830 views)

Real Title Services

Ridiculous Collection Practices - K C/NJ
2/22/2012 1:13:23 PM (3449 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/22/2012 2:15:36 PM (2763 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - K C/NJ
2/23/2012 7:08:40 PM (2588 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/23/2012 7:50:54 PM (2539 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/27/2012 10:10:43 AM (2527 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/27/2012 10:33:41 AM (2458 views)
@ Leigh - Victoria Moate/NJ
3/11/2012 2:09:51 PM (2218 views)
Re: @ Leigh - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/11/2012 5:15:19 PM (2183 views)
Re: Ridiculous Collection Practices - Diane Bluhm/WI
2/27/2012 10:45:51 AM (2515 views)

Absurd fee dispute - Dan Zook/NY
2/22/2012 11:21:34 AM (3530 views)
Re: Absurd fee dispute - Robert Franco/OH
2/22/2012 12:34:00 PM (2634 views)
Re: Absurd fee dispute - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/22/2012 9:45:15 PM (2510 views)
Re: Absurd fee dispute - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA
2/24/2012 6:58:02 AM (2380 views)
Re: Absurd fee dispute - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/27/2012 10:18:43 AM (2300 views)
Re: Absurd fee dispute - CHRISTINE POPISH/PA
2/28/2012 8:31:22 AM (2232 views)

NY Project - George Fushi/IL
2/22/2012 10:08:31 AM (3210 views)
Re: NY Project - Ryan Thorpe/NY
2/22/2012 10:46:17 AM (2576 views)
Re: NY Project - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/27/2012 10:21:00 AM (2339 views)

doc rns - Joan Howland/CT
2/20/2012 7:22:10 PM (3375 views)
Re: doc rns - ANDREW MOLLER/CT
2/21/2012 10:55:28 AM (2623 views)
Re: doc rns - Kendall Bond/CA
2/21/2012 11:53:58 AM (2548 views)
Re: doc rns - K C/NJ
2/21/2012 12:46:19 PM (2603 views)
Re: doc rns - Jessica Talley/FL
2/21/2012 2:07:59 PM (2696 views)
Re: doc rns - K C/NJ
2/21/2012 2:19:28 PM (2688 views)
Re: doc rns - Jessica Talley/FL
2/21/2012 3:33:53 PM (2584 views)
Re: doc rns - K C/NJ
12/17/2012 12:52:18 PM (1710 views)
Re: doc rns - Michele  Moose/NC
2/21/2012 2:44:05 PM (2504 views)

Capstone Title, Kentucky - Karen Hurley/KY
2/20/2012 3:26:36 PM (4326 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - Deborah Jackson/GA
2/20/2012 6:10:38 PM (3060 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - ProTitleUSA Title Search/PA
2/21/2012 4:46:47 PM (2954 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - Sherie  Reeves/KY
8/31/2013 2:43:28 PM (2037 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - Nils Nelson/ME
8/31/2013 5:16:55 PM (2053 views)
Re: Capstone Title, West Virginia - Lealon Drury/KY
6/9/2015 12:11:30 AM (1673 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - Dianne Barnidge/MS
6/10/2015 1:04:12 PM (1558 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - Sherie  Reeves/KY
6/15/2015 7:46:28 AM (1510 views)
Re: Capstone Title, Kentucky - Jodi Dutile/MO
6/15/2015 8:00:39 AM (1522 views)

21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Jason Knowles/AL
2/20/2012 10:25:21 AM (3521 views)
Re: 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Michele  Moose/NC
2/22/2012 7:58:17 PM (2640 views)
Re: 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/22/2012 9:41:41 PM (2384 views)
Re: 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Michele  Moose/NC
2/23/2012 6:39:26 AM (2486 views)
Re: 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/23/2012 7:28:38 AM (2392 views)
Re: 21st Century National Abstraction/Deana Moore - Nathan Miller/KY
4/12/2012 10:40:19 AM (2213 views)

EXLZoom Ever heard of them? - Alix Ott/MI
2/17/2012 8:54:02 AM (3461 views)
Re: EXLZoom Ever heard of them? - K C/NJ
2/21/2012 1:56:19 PM (5445 views)

Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/16/2012 10:56:04 PM (3292 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Jessica Talley/FL
2/17/2012 8:07:18 AM (2752 views)

I have several clients that require us to do this, I felt the same way in the beginning however both clients send me ALOT of work AND pay me in a timely fashion, and honestly once you get the hang of doing it, its not that big of a deal!

You can always add a disclaimer.

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Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/17/2012 8:44:41 AM (2820 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Alix Ott/MI
2/17/2012 9:05:22 AM (2616 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Jessica Talley/FL
2/17/2012 12:30:50 PM (2576 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - F P/VA
2/17/2012 10:49:25 AM (2572 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Leigh Attridge/MA
2/17/2012 9:14:29 AM (2551 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Sheila Sten/PA
2/17/2012 12:57:21 PM (2678 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Alix Ott/MI
2/17/2012 2:32:14 PM (2535 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/20/2012 1:44:08 AM (2551 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
2/20/2012 9:12:48 AM (2585 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - stephen willard/OH
2/20/2012 10:33:02 AM (2370 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/20/2012 11:11:12 AM (2405 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Michaela Urban/OH
2/20/2012 11:15:44 AM (2318 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Melinda Barcum, J.D./AL
2/20/2012 11:25:13 AM (2306 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Deborah Jackson/GA
2/20/2012 6:15:41 PM (2294 views)
Invest in some software - Victoria Moate/NJ
2/20/2012 6:35:06 PM (2401 views)
Re: Need Some Input! - Penny Bettorf/IL
2/28/2012 2:20:40 AM (2042 views)

Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Megan Rowlands/PA
2/16/2012 1:29:47 PM (4204 views)
Re: Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Laura Breunig/WI
2/21/2012 7:12:54 AM (2810 views)
Re: Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Megan Rowlands/PA
2/21/2012 9:32:28 AM (2455 views)
Re: Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Laura Breunig/WI
2/21/2012 9:43:57 AM (3059 views)
Re: Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Megan Rowlands/PA
2/21/2012 9:45:41 AM (2707 views)
Re: Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Robert Franco/OH
2/21/2012 10:18:54 AM (2582 views)
Re: Northwest Title Agency (Madison, WI) - Megan Rowlands/PA
3/27/2012 2:42:56 PM (2116 views)

More on American Abstract - Michele  Moose/NC
2/16/2012 12:56:26 PM (3530 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - ANGELO CARBONE/NY
2/16/2012 2:17:29 PM (2498 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Michele  Moose/NC
2/16/2012 7:44:12 PM (2330 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Jason Knowles/AL
2/16/2012 3:04:35 PM (2342 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Jessica Talley/FL
2/16/2012 10:24:24 PM (2263 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Michele  Moose/NC
2/17/2012 7:09:01 AM (2262 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Jessica Talley/FL
2/17/2012 8:02:47 AM (2430 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Anita Binns/IL
2/18/2012 4:40:46 PM (2251 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Michele  Moose/NC
2/19/2012 8:58:33 AM (2351 views)
Re: More on American Abstract - Anita Binns/IL
2/20/2012 11:19:20 AM (5159 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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