The ABSOLUTE worst company we ever had to deal with. We did hundreds of searches for them and it was (has been) a fight to get paid. They claim to not receive invoices, loos them when they do admit they received them, etc. Trying to call them is as bad as dealing with the phone company. On hold for L O N G periods od time, transferred from person to person then you get voice mail so you can leave a message that NEVER gets returned. We started setting aside their orders so when they would call we would tell them we have the orders but need to know what the status of our payment is. Of course they would not know. After a while they quit sending the orders. We sent our invoices via registered, return receipt mail last time and did receive a small portion of the total but they still own us thousands. We are going to send them our invoices one more time the same way and if they don't pay them in full we are turning it over to collections. They claim to be an FNF Platform Company but other (very reputable) FNF Companies we have worked for for years either never heard of them or have nothing good to say about them.
If I were you, I wouldn't touch their work with a ten foot pole unless you like working for free.
Michael Allen, Business Manager
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