I have been getting almost daily calls from "Larry" for the last several weeks. Larry does not "speak the good English" but by God he can do a title search in Maryland for 20 bucks and turn it around overnight!!
Now if I can only get my abstractors to be able to do the same!! Seriously, most of our land Records documents are on line in Maryland, IF all you need is a chain of title then maybe it can be done. (Of course, there are noooo errors in the on-line data base) But none of the foreclosure documents are on line, you cannot obtain a copy of an actual judgment order on line, Orphans Court documents either have to be ordered on line or you have to go to the Orphans' court to obtain copies, etc. So, tell me, how is Larry doing a title search in Maryland?
I am frustrated daily by the short searches that are being done by foreclosure firms and default management companies which are being used to offer policies of insurance to unsuspecting consumers. We will all pay the price in the years to come, as we have been for the last 10 years for these "cost saving" measures
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