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[+] EXPRESS NATIONAL - Las Vegas - Anita Binns/IL (4 replies)
3/31/2012 2:38:13 PM (3540 views)

[+] Texas - Statute of Limitations for collecting delinquent property taxes as a subrogee - Shawn Heine/NE (1 reply)
3/30/2012 10:45:30 AM (3169 views)

[+] Comment on "NAILTA National Conference Agenda Features Prominent Speakers from Industry, Government" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
3/30/2012 9:01:25 AM (2720 views)

[-] National Real Estate - James Badertscher/OH (16 replies)
3/28/2012 4:47:58 PM (3411 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Barbara Bennett/IN
3/28/2012 8:38:25 PM (3910 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Joyce Obrien/PA
3/28/2012 9:06:16 PM (3915 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Jessica Talley/FL
3/29/2012 9:44:39 AM (3791 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Scott Aduddell/MO
3/29/2012 10:43:58 AM (3661 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Joyce Obrien/PA
3/29/2012 11:22:06 AM (3709 views)
Seriously...? - Scott Perry/PA
3/29/2012 11:38:08 AM (3780 views)
Re: Seriously...? - Jessica Talley/FL
3/29/2012 2:49:37 PM (3822 views)
Re: Seriously...? - Scott Perry/PA
3/29/2012 3:08:18 PM (3709 views)
Re: Seriously...? - Scott Perry/PA
4/9/2012 2:11:20 PM (6563 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Linda Schroeder/PA
4/2/2012 7:14:57 AM (3564 views)
Re: National Real Estate - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
4/2/2012 8:50:18 AM (3547 views)


Even, as I sit here and write this, I feel a little guilty. I've been with the company from the day they opened. They were my best customer and always paid every 2 weeks like clockwork. For the past 2 years I've had to lower myself more and more to try to get my invoices paid.There is no reason for it. The volume is there. The money is there. It's poor management and they don't respect the title searchers. As long as we keep doing the work they will continue to do business. Now, I've been told it is 120 days from the day the order is posted. Technically, a check should be coming out every month anyway (December to be paid in April, January to be paid in May) but that is not happening. They simply will not pay until the pressure is really put on them. I finally told them I could no longer do their work. It bothers me because you would think there would be a certain amount of loyalty after 20+ years. They have just given me the shaft. I th ink we should all boycott them. It's the only way. In the meantime, I am owed about $2,500 and still there is wishful thinking on my part that I might actually get it.    Not!!!!!!!

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Re: National Real Estate - Joyce Obrien/PA
4/2/2012 9:46:33 AM (3528 views)
Re: National Real Estate - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
4/2/2012 10:09:34 AM (3505 views)
Re: National Real Estate - Michael Vernon/AZ
4/2/2012 2:11:34 PM (3463 views)
Re: National Real Estate - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
4/2/2012 2:40:05 PM (3518 views)
Re: National Real Estate - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
4/2/2012 2:58:04 PM (3564 views)

[+] An old joke - Leigh Attridge/MA (2 replies)
3/26/2012 8:49:15 PM (2847 views)

Real Title Services

[+] threats?? - Marian Severance/PA (6 replies)
3/25/2012 10:05:36 PM (3315 views)

Neighbors join in modest effort to embrace abandoned properties - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/25/2012 11:23:53 AM (4006 views)

[+] U S Title Corp - Leigh Attridge/MA (3 replies)
3/24/2012 2:39:29 PM (3107 views)

[+] Angi('s) Notary - Jason Knowles/AL (15 replies)
3/23/2012 2:54:01 PM (3708 views)

Lender with an unusual offer - a second chance - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/22/2012 8:31:21 PM (4413 views)

Title Ins perfect for the current litigous enviromernt - l whitney/FL
3/22/2012 6:36:36 PM (2798 views)

Jungleland - Leigh Attridge/MA
3/22/2012 2:46:23 PM (4276 views)

3/21/2012 5:31:54 PM (3085 views)

[+] Loyalty - Alix Ott/MI (7 replies)
3/21/2012 1:42:45 PM (3067 views)

[+] Title Insurance a Rotten Deal!?!? - Wyatt Bell/FL (5 replies)
3/21/2012 12:46:43 PM (4747 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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