Would you drink the water? Would you let your children drink this water?
We’re talking about a community of roughly 1,500 residents, only 11 of whom are complaining. Methane in drinking water has been an issue in Pennsylvania coal country for more than a century, and if you’d lived in this area for any length of time, you’d know that. Yes, Cabot did engage in some sloppy practices, but they were held accountable. Three years of testing has consistently proven that Dimock’s water is safe, and if you notice, most of the “anti-drilling activists” mentioned in the piece don’t even live there.
I’d be willing to bet that if you asked most Dimock Township residents, they’d tell you they don’t have a problem drinking the water and would prefer that these busy-body “environmental activists” go away and let them enjoy the benefits of an industry that has brought jobs and prosperity to their community.
Scott Perry
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