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This Just In... - Scott Perry/PA
5/1/2012 9:58:35 AM (4922 views)
Re: This Just In... - Anita Backlund/MN
5/1/2012 2:04:16 PM (4867 views)

Oh, Scott!  You know this is just Joe being Joe!   Kinda right up there with FDR going on TV to calm everyone abou the market crash in 1929!   LOLOLOLOLOL

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Re: This Just In... - george Hubka/MI
5/7/2012 4:05:48 PM (4655 views)

Metro Settlement Services, LLC - Pam Effinger/VA
4/30/2012 2:46:42 PM (3524 views)

United One Resources, Inc. - Diane O'Neill/MI
4/30/2012 2:01:02 PM (4094 views)
Re: United One Resources, Inc. - Leigh Attridge/MA
4/30/2012 4:11:39 PM (5069 views)
Re: United One Resources, Inc. - elizabeth reddy/FL
5/1/2012 10:16:05 AM (4933 views)
Re: United One Resources, Inc. - Diane O'Neill/MI
5/1/2012 10:25:02 AM (4957 views)
Re: United One Resources, Inc. - John Baker/OH
5/3/2012 10:28:47 AM (4948 views)
Re: United One Resources, Inc. - Diane O'Neill/MI
5/3/2012 11:20:47 AM (4924 views)

Comment on "NAR: Pending Home Sales Increased in March" - Source of Title/OH
4/30/2012 9:50:17 AM (3130 views)
Pending Home Sales Increase in March - Jeff Patterson/PA
4/30/2012 9:50:17 AM (5376 views)

Bang You're Closed: Threats Stormy Exits & Violence at New York Closings - Leigh Attridge/MA
4/29/2012 9:41:10 AM (5029 views)
Re: Bang You're Closed: Threats Stormy Exits & Violence at New York Closings - Anita Backlund/MN
5/1/2012 2:01:01 PM (4266 views)

Real Title Services

Slightly Off-Topic - Scott Perry/PA
4/27/2012 9:30:17 AM (4717 views)
Re: Slightly Off-Topic - Robert Franco/OH
4/27/2012 10:27:53 AM (4489 views)
Re: Slightly Off-Topic - Scott Perry/PA
4/27/2012 11:21:15 AM (4503 views)
Re: Slightly Off-Topic - Joyce Obrien/PA
4/27/2012 3:29:30 PM (4472 views)
Re: Slightly Off-Topic - Robert Franco/OH
4/27/2012 4:55:39 PM (4541 views)
Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/27/2012 8:49:17 PM (4344 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Slade Smith/OH
4/27/2012 11:11:43 PM (6727 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/28/2012 7:29:08 AM (7038 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Slade Smith/OH
4/28/2012 5:16:53 PM (6978 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/28/2012 6:41:58 PM (4230 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Slade Smith/OH
4/28/2012 10:03:01 PM (4246 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/29/2012 4:41:55 PM (4239 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/28/2012 8:43:48 AM (4313 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Slade Smith/OH
4/28/2012 9:56:19 PM (4212 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/29/2012 4:39:42 PM (4219 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Robert Franco/OH
4/28/2012 4:19:44 PM (4312 views)
Re: Over The Top? - Scott Perry/PA
4/28/2012 6:37:57 PM (4252 views)
Re: Slightly Off-Topic - Slade Smith/OH
4/28/2012 9:48:39 PM (4182 views)
Re: Slightly Off-Topic - Scott Perry/PA
4/29/2012 4:31:00 PM (4180 views)

Work Slow Down - Jason Knowles/AL
4/26/2012 3:06:08 PM (3652 views)
Re: Work Slow Down - F P/VA
4/26/2012 3:43:35 PM (4576 views)
Re: Work Slow Down - michael rafferty/VA
4/27/2012 9:11:52 AM (4545 views)
Re: Work Slow Down - elizabeth reddy/FL
5/1/2012 10:17:25 AM (4209 views)
FHA fee increase the reason for the slowdown? - Slade Smith/OH
5/1/2012 11:19:55 AM (4257 views)
Re: Work Slow Down - Ron McPherson/IA
5/2/2012 2:38:45 AM (4183 views)

Eclipse Real Estate Services - J Nisonger/CA
4/25/2012 4:04:38 PM (3890 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - Tammy Skrzypek/FL
4/30/2012 7:04:44 AM (4595 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - Jessica Talley/FL
4/30/2012 9:06:45 AM (4485 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - Tammy Skrzypek/FL
4/30/2012 9:29:17 AM (4395 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - Jessica Talley/FL
4/30/2012 9:32:32 AM (4433 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - Dianne Barnidge/MS
4/30/2012 12:57:05 PM (4464 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - J Nisonger/CA
4/30/2012 1:54:27 PM (4296 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - J Nisonger/CA
4/30/2012 1:54:29 PM (4259 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - J Nisonger/CA
4/30/2012 1:54:30 PM (4286 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - J Nisonger/CA
4/30/2012 1:54:33 PM (4256 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - J Nisonger/CA
4/30/2012 1:57:40 PM (4399 views)
Re: Eclipse Real Estate Services - Dianne Barnidge/MS
4/30/2012 3:33:06 PM (4501 views)

ESS/Efficax/Real Estate Streams, et al - Jack Borgland/AL
4/21/2012 12:53:11 PM (5115 views)
Re: ESS/Efficax/Real Estate Streams, et al - Jason Knowles/AL
4/24/2012 10:17:57 AM (4733 views)
Re: ESS/Efficax/Real Estate Streams, et al - Sailesh Chandra/CA
8/9/2017 4:19:43 AM (3299 views)
Re: ESS/Efficax/Real Estate Streams, et al - Sailesh Chandra/CA
8/9/2017 4:30:15 AM (3451 views)

Comment on "30 Louisiana Clerks of Court Sue MERS for Thousands per Mortgage" - Source of Title/OH
4/20/2012 6:21:50 PM (3240 views)
Fraudulent foreclosures, defective property titles, lawyer collusion - Barbara  Jackson/LA
4/20/2012 6:21:51 PM (14399 views)
Louisiana Assignments of Mortgage - Linda Hubbell/FL
4/23/2012 6:24:41 AM (10625 views)
Re: Louisiana Assignments of Mortgage - Patrick Miller/LA
4/23/2012 8:52:16 AM (10340 views)
Re: Louisiana Assignments of Mortgage - Slade Smith/OH
4/23/2012 11:10:07 AM (10284 views)

4/20/2012 2:17:03 PM (2706 views)

Altisource New Requirements - Karen Hurley/KY
4/19/2012 3:10:22 PM (4376 views)
Re: Altisource New Requirements - Patrick Scott/IL
4/19/2012 7:28:28 PM (4504 views)
Re: Altisource New Requirements - F P/VA
4/19/2012 8:29:13 PM (4430 views)
Re: Altisource New Requirements - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
4/20/2012 1:17:16 PM (4240 views)
Re: Altisource New Requirements - Robert Franco/OH
4/20/2012 1:39:13 PM (4289 views)
Re: Altisource New Requirements - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
4/20/2012 1:42:56 PM (4280 views)
Re: Altisource New Requirements - Robert Franco/OH
4/20/2012 9:27:07 AM (4357 views)
If The Legal Doesn't Match, It Doesn't Attach - Scott Perry/PA
4/19/2012 9:57:33 PM (4278 views)
Re: If The Legal Doesn't Match, It Doesn't Attach - george Hubka/MI
4/23/2012 12:43:43 PM (4029 views)

A Rare Apartment Comes on the Market at The Dakota in New York - Leigh Attridge/MA
4/18/2012 5:25:58 PM (4724 views)
Re: A Rare Apartment Comes on the Market at The Dakota in New York - F P/VA
4/19/2012 6:33:44 AM (3873 views)

Southeast Title and Processing, Lawrenceville, GA - Dianne Barnidge/MS
4/18/2012 5:02:54 PM (3577 views)
Re: Southeast Title and Processing, Lawrenceville, GA - Jessica Talley/FL
4/19/2012 10:37:24 AM (6029 views)
Re: Southeast Title and Processing, Lawrenceville, GA - Bill Garrett/MS
4/23/2012 8:57:41 AM (4007 views)
Re: Southeast Title and Processing, Lawrenceville, GA - Dianne Barnidge/MS
4/23/2012 6:47:23 PM (4119 views)
Re: Southeast Title and Processing, Lawrenceville, GA - Brett Ryder/NC
1/30/2014 11:35:19 AM (3202 views)

Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Joel Lee/NY
4/18/2012 10:58:10 AM (4062 views)
Re: Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Jessica Talley/FL
4/18/2012 2:14:37 PM (4184 views)
Re: Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Jason Knowles/AL
4/19/2012 9:07:06 AM (4050 views)
Re: Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Jessica Talley/FL
4/19/2012 10:33:45 AM (4077 views)
Re: Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Stephen Williams/MO
4/20/2012 9:42:14 AM (3868 views)
Re: Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Helen Murphy/MD
4/23/2012 12:40:19 PM (3820 views)
Re: Cfacts Flexible Title & Closing Services - Jessica Talley/FL
4/23/2012 4:47:18 PM (3832 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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