Some counties around here still have printed record books mostly the smaller counties. Most of the counties around do not publish the document images online. They are more concerned about their legal obligation to protect the document and their citizens than than providing convenient access to everyone in the world.
I'm not certain she didn't notify anyone. I just know that if she did, she didn't mention it in her press release to the Fort Worth press. And I know from the website disclaimer that she had no legal responsibility. I think this probably happens more often than we know. We only know it happened because she spoke up. She didn't have to and the website disclaimer clearly states the records provided by the site are not intended for professional use and should not be considered accurate, complete or authentic. I've seen similar disclaimers in hundreds of county websites I've visited all over the country. If you are using any online database for professional research you owe to yourself and your customers to read the disclaimer. You may be shocked.
As for liability insurance, I think the disclaimers make it clear if you use online database you do so at your own risk. It seems likely to me that carriers may notice the high number of claims that come from online abstractors and deny coverage or raise the rates even higher.
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