Kevin and Scott,
I would advise both of you to avoid this debate as the outcome is already set in stone.
The arguments are for an against gun control have been debated ad nauseum and I'm fairly certain I could argue both sides successfully in any debate. The point is weapons are and have always been a part of American life. Guns are what gained our Independence and guns are what guarantees that Independence from a tyrannical government to this day.
I make no qualms about my gun ownership and I engage in no dishonest lies. I own guns to kill other people, period, end of story. I own guns as a deterrence to violent activity against me and my family. I do not hunt, I do not sport shoot. I own guns that can kill alot of people very quickly and I have no apologies about it. Americans forget all too often and especially over the last 20 or so years that it is WE that gave the government their power, not the other way around. Knowing there are 280 million or so weapons in the US reminds the government they are not free to do as they please.
All that being said, law abiding citizens are not the problem. Non enforcement and lax enforcement are to blame. Should a comprehensive psychological evalutation be given to gun purchasers and CCW holders? Hell yes! Doubly yes! Most emphatically yes! We require that as a minimum for any law enforcement officer, why not everyone else? Simply having the right to own a gun is not enough, we must earn our rights every now and again to truely cherish them.
Kevin I understand your position but it's not only impractical but trying to disarm 100 million Americans can only lead to one result. I'm pretty sure none of us want that. I don't have the exact figures but a vast majority of weapons sold today are semi-automatic. Even if not, a well oiled 30-30 can exact an incredible amount of damage in short time, as well as a pump action shotgun. The argument against semi-autos is typically one based in an ignorance of what "semi-auto" is and what exactly is an "assault weapon". The common factor is any gun violence is someone with ill intent was behind the trigger.
Simply because a gun is black and has a magazine doesn't make it an "assault weapon". If liberals would choose to go down the assault weapons road again, believe you me, I welcome it. The last time resulted in a massive poitical swing for my side. Another thing to consider, if an "assault weapons" ban is given traction, you will see such a massive onslaught of guns hit the market your plan would have an immediate opposite effect. I would urge an honest discussion from both sides.
Do private citizens need an Uzi? not in a million years. A barret .50 cal sniper rifle? In my opinion, no way. A 100 round magazine for an AR-15? I would be willing to give high cap magazines up. See Kevin, there is room for compromise, but throwing the baby out with the bath water isn't going to fix it.
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