I have not done any work for ASK for years as we are a primary competitor (or THE primary competitor) with them in Michigan. However, many of my abstractors sub to them, and I'm friends with their employees in my own counties. (Now adays, they mostly have their own people running title in Michigan.) Their constant "reports" can get tiring and irritating, but that's the only complaint. It's true they had financial issues several years ago, but they came through it and recovered. According to my abstractors, payment is never an issue. Also, I admire and appreciate their ethics and we now warn each other of deadbeat clients. If a client has flooded one of us with work, then doesn't pay, chances are they're going to go to the other's doorstep as soon as ASK or Argent stops accepting work. We are competitors, but never cutthroat. A good company in my opinion.
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