I hear you Leigh. 10-15 emails about every order, citing items that were supposedly left off our report (despite my over-noting each because it was obvious their processors were clueless and didn't have access to the docs I sent AND I'd learned of their ingenious plan to use us as trainers), "errors", and my favorite - a gap in the chain. The gap was always the CCR deed that I noted on each report "THIS DEED IS NOT PART OF THE CHAIN, THIS IS INCLUDED AS PART OF YOUR REQUIREMENTS. CHAIN ENDS AT XXX-XXX" SO incredibly time-consuming. I could always tell when they'd hire a new village of people because the stupid questions would start again.
The American "managers" were so often rude that I finally pointed this out, saying I'm only trying my best to HELP and they made it seem like I was the difficult moron. When you're dealing with PUDs in resort communities, normal rules don't apply and silly me - I taught them the rules.
They started being more respectful. Luther was never a problem. Now we get one here or there. They're all those convert to 60 year and invariably tedious and rarely done in 48 hours so like Leigh, we've never scored above a D despite my hiring someone just to do their orders (which I still QC'd) and made their work a priority. Somehow, we still sucked.
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