I worked for them for close to a year & dropped them, which is something I rarely do with a paying client. They have offices in India, where most of the processing is done; offices in Uruguay (where one of their former employees was based) & what I believe is their administrative headquarters, here in Atlanta, GA. I belive they are doing foreclosures & REO sales for Ocwen. The problem I had with them was that, unlike many other companies I've worked for, the employees appeared to be undertrained & possibly working off of checklists. Thus, I did a forelosure runown for them on a condomininium development in Newton MA which was a converted apartment building. The condo conversion was done around 1976 & the first unit deeds out were 76-77. There used to be a requirment in Massachusetts, that a unit plan be recorded with the first deed out of a condo unit. That law was rescinded quite a few years ago & is retroactive as well. As a matter of due diligence I sent along the copy of the unit plan attached to the first deed out. Instantly, I was bombarded with demands for "site plans of the unit" from the first deed out up to yesterday. There is no such thing as a "site plans of the unit" & I informed the office of that. There are either site plans of the development, which are optional, or there are unit plan, which are not necessary after the first filing. The response was that I was wrong (after 37 years in the business) & negligent in my duties. We went back & forth for a few days, when I just stopped responding to emails about it.
Once a month they sent out a Report Card with a letter grade on it. Now, no matter that the mistakes were theirs due to their inability to understand that "site plans of the unit" don't exist on the planet , or that they were extremely unreasonable in their turn times (9 orders due in 48 hours) the penalty was always mine. I never got above a letter grade of "D". Additionally, once I refused to do any more work for them, an employee called & asked me to return & that I would get no more than 1-2 orders a day & only in Essex County. Since they did pay on time, I agreed & wouldnt' you know it the next day I got 14 orders, nine of which were for counties other than Essex.
Enough said.
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