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Hire a Vet - Qualify for Tax Credit - David Bloys/TX
11/24/2012 7:54:02 AM (3082 views)

[+] Amerisave's New Closing Policy - Jeffrey Land/NJ (1 reply)
11/20/2012 10:10:55 AM (2964 views)

As Coasts Rebuild & US Pays Repeatedly the Critics Ask Why - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/19/2012 9:06:42 AM (3059 views)

A Reprieve for Storm Victims - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/19/2012 7:53:37 AM (2939 views)

Gas Boom County Strives for Afterglow - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/18/2012 11:51:34 AM (3081 views)

[+] Paying to Rebuild & Rebuild Again - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
11/18/2012 11:44:33 AM (3501 views)

Armstrong School District high school project must make donation for bats - Scott Perry/PA
11/15/2012 1:11:37 PM (3084 views)

"Quelle Suprise..." - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/15/2012 10:53:44 AM (3146 views)

A Castle Whittled by Hand - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/15/2012 8:10:24 AM (3012 views)

Gargoyles & Gaslight - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/14/2012 5:48:05 PM (3055 views)

[-] Jack Munsey / SE title again - Jason Knowles/AL (6 replies)
11/14/2012 3:23:57 PM (2328 views)
Re: Jack Munsey / SE title again - Donna McCullough/SC
11/14/2012 7:20:17 PM (2698 views)
Re: Jack Munsey / SE title again - Kem Hunt/SC
11/15/2012 8:08:15 AM (2632 views)

Jason, been there.  Once I received confirmation from my bank showing that the check had indeed been returned for NSF, I went directly to the Solicitor's Office and filed a claim for Bad Check/Check Fraud.  He will have 10 days to make it good, and has to submit payment to the Solicitor with a $30. service fee.  They contacted him on day 10 and he lied to them saying he had already paid.  They contacted me to confirm, and I explained that his statement was the usual MO.  I then received a check from them with the additional $30. within another 5 days.  Call Mrs. Henderson or Mrs. Jackson at 864-596-2233 and ask for the forms to complete and when you received the information from your bank, attach that and send back.  They are very nice.

I noticed he was asking to receive invoices as he wants everyone to be paid, but from what I hear, he is disputing each and every one of them and sending emails out stating "How much do you FEEL I owe you."  A leopard can and will never change his spots.

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Re: Jack Munsey / SE title again - Anmber Ayub/FL
11/15/2012 12:36:19 PM (2482 views)
Re: Jack Munsey / SE title again - Kem Hunt/SC
11/15/2012 1:32:36 PM (2455 views)
Re: Jack Munsey / SE title again - A Mullins/SC
11/19/2012 11:57:36 AM (2498 views)
Re: Jack Munsey / SE title again - george Hubka/MI
12/26/2012 6:25:54 PM (2199 views)

[+] Red Vision - Miriam Bowen/WI (5 replies)
11/14/2012 2:20:25 PM (2969 views)

[+] On the New Shopping List- Milk, Bread, Eggs & a Mortgage - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
11/14/2012 7:42:13 AM (3696 views)

Wave of evictions leads to homeless crisis in Spain - Leigh Attridge/MA
11/12/2012 9:52:16 AM (3234 views)

[+] FEMA disaster center shuttered "due to weather" - Scott Perry/PA (10 replies)
11/8/2012 10:30:57 AM (3776 views)

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