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[+] Hiring in NY - Dan Zook/NY (9 replies)
1/26/2023 1:15:54 PM (1304 views)

[+] Corelogic - Jay Duncan/MO (4 replies)
1/26/2023 12:36:38 PM (1428 views)

[+] Title Direct Services - Becky Vigneault/VT (5 replies)
1/24/2023 9:48:54 AM (1361 views)

[+] Quotes - Arlene Nelson/NY (7 replies)
1/23/2023 12:43:14 PM (2016 views)

[+] COTT Disaster - Rita Killary/NY (4 replies)
1/21/2023 8:35:16 PM (1286 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Pricing Question - Laura Johnston/MI (2 replies)
1/18/2023 9:03:15 PM (1520 views)

[+] AMROCK - F P/NC (5 replies)
1/17/2023 8:16:57 AM (2333 views)

[+] lifeline - Ricky Gill/MS (10 replies)
1/17/2023 7:45:48 AM (1759 views)

[+] PNA Title Services LLC - Chris Steffes/MN (1 reply)
1/11/2023 4:18:14 PM (2634 views)

[+] HOLY SMOKES: Goldman Sachs laying off 3,000+ people - William Duncan/SC (1 reply)
1/9/2023 11:43:50 AM (2456 views)

Resware - William Duncan/SC
1/9/2023 11:15:43 AM (1096 views)

[+] Lay offs - William Duncan/SC (1 reply)
1/3/2023 11:54:51 AM (1690 views)

[-] Nationwide Title Clearing - Michaela Urban/OH (17 replies)
1/2/2023 10:55:39 AM (2310 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michael Rosing/IL
1/2/2023 11:48:28 AM (2316 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Paula Reynolds/FL
1/9/2023 8:43:53 AM (1823 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
1/27/2023 5:02:01 PM (1673 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Paula Reynolds/FL
1/27/2023 5:14:54 PM (1724 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Advanced Background Check/OH
1/3/2023 9:16:05 AM (2254 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michael Rosing/IL
1/3/2023 10:48:19 AM (1861 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Advanced Background Check/OH
1/3/2023 11:39:36 AM (2170 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michael Rosing/IL
1/4/2023 9:17:00 AM (1875 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michaela Urban/OH
1/3/2023 11:42:49 AM (1926 views)

Hi Michelle - 

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it!  I am glad you are pleased with what I do here, and you have always been a great company to work for!  I absolutely understand where you are coming from!  I do go into the counties, but I start my work online, and then go into the county as I need to to finish out my orders.  That being said, once Covid hit, many counties put the indexes online so people did not have to go in if they didn't have to.  Some copies can be printed online, and some offices absolutely expect us to get online and print them.  Period.  People than assume copies are "free" never stopping to realize I have to pay for copiers, paper, toner, drums, computers, internet access . . . nothing in this world is "free".  

Other counties you can only see the indexes.  Other times I have to call and order copies and then go pick them up when they are ready.  It just depends on the job, the timeframe of the job, and what needs done to complete it.  Its just a matter of knowing how each county works and what is available, and where.  However many indexes are the same system online, as in the county.  You won't get anything different whether you are at home, or actually in the county offices.  This was pushed to be a thing by many of these larger companies . . . and like I said its okay when they do it . . . but I should not do that???  Weird . . . 

This is where that 24 years experience comes in.  You are paying for our years of experience, and knowledge, and knowing how to get the job done.  It just makes more sense to me to do all that I can in the office first, and then go into the county armed with a list of what I need to do to complete the orders that I have.  Honestly technology hasn't made our jobs easier, in some ways it is harder!  I just wish they would have taken the time to listen to what I had to say, and understand what was being said.  Instead it was "oh you said things are online for the last 15 years, and you aren't going into the county - so you are fired!"  I guarantee I'm not sitting here casually doing work, eating bon-bon's, and doing everything online.  I do what I can online - what is available to me.  Then I go into the county later in the day to finish things out.  This is to everyone's benefit because I can do more in the evenings, and my days are better planned out from working the night before at home.  I put in 10-12-14 hour days, many, many days.  I drive every day to counties, to finish out orders, and many times people call me to file documents because other abstractors have no interest in doing the filings.  Some people won't do recordings because they do the work online, and then they don't want to drive to the county to do the filings - because it is hours from their actual place of business.  

I guess I should just keep my mouth shut about how we do our work because people assume too much, and have no true understanding of what we do here.  I just know I am very, very "boots on the ground" and if anyone tells you otherwise, they are full of it!  I think anyone who knows me can vouch for what I do!  I just hate how they coldly fired me, after years of working for them, and this woman wouldn't even answer my phone call or reply to my emails.  That is the least you could do!  I find it unprofessional to ignore people and not hear what they have to say.  Maybe they should listen, and take some feedback into account!  Just a thought!

 But thank you otherwise, I'm glad I can make someone happy here LOL! 



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Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michael Rosing/IL
1/3/2023 2:55:38 PM (2210 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Judy Maclauchlan/NY
1/11/2023 3:29:38 PM (1572 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Heather St Amant/LA
1/5/2023 11:02:35 AM (2407 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michael Rosing/IL
1/5/2023 11:45:46 AM (1906 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Michaela Urban/OH
1/6/2023 10:26:27 AM (1757 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - David Barajas/FL
1/10/2023 11:48:04 AM (1667 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - Paula Reynolds/FL
1/16/2023 12:52:34 PM (2449 views)
Re: Nationwide Title Clearing - SUZANNE WALLACE/CA
1/27/2023 4:59:11 PM (1483 views)

[+] Cott Systems Cyber Attack - Robert Franco/OH (22 replies)
12/29/2022 12:12:32 PM (5372 views)

[+] Additional Insured? - Judy Maclauchlan/NY (6 replies)
12/28/2022 10:52:24 AM (1226 views)

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