I was wondering why it is allowed and never mention that we have our court records and land records the oldest and most valued records in this country exposed and accessable to anyone outside the United States. I think it is absurd we expose our country so readily to the world especially because there are so many out there that want to harm us. Since 911 when things should be getting tighter, more closely monitored we are exposed more and more to the world. Does anyone care shouldn't we start opposing this for these fact never mind the out sourcing, I do not believe the average person/property owner realize how exposed they are. I sure if the link was made we would find a lot of corupt actions come from the abilty of the world having complete access to much of our records. At least restrict the use of all our court and land records to those in the United States. Really what other country gives this much exposure to outsiders they probably do not even give it to those in their country. I think this is where a battle should be and we those who understand the imporatance of these records should at least try to make more people aware of this exposure I am sure the more people were aware more would speak about about stopping this practice. We need to start protecting out country our people our children.
Thanks for reading my Grip!
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