If you take the course, pass the exam and then the PA state exam and still want to become an Abstractor, at least you will have a basic understanding of what the job entails.
Then find a mentor (that's that hard part) who will train you. It's nothing like taking a real estate course, passing the test and then you are one.
Abstracting takes years to become an expert at. Each state is different, each county may be different and take a state like CT where they still keep tmortgage/deed records at the municipal level vs county level.
I spent 15+ years as a Realtor pre my title career. I'd suggest pick one profession and become the Resident Expert in your field. As a Realtor, my market was just outside of the 2nd largest city in Illinois and I personally owned 4% of that market in sales and listings. I worked my butt off, but I also made good money.
If you dilute your attention, then you dilute your money-making opportunities. Being successful at real estate means you work it full time. Being successful at anything means you dedicate yourself to it full time.
I could never see myself trying to sell real estate while running my title services company. Both would need full time attention.
Best of luck at whatever you decide!
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