Teresa, you have been given excellent advice here and the article that Robert wrote is spot on. We do indeed learn something new every day. It isn't as easy as it looks. The liability is tremendous. (My company pays $8,000 a year for E&O and we've [knock on wood] never had a claim!) Some of my co-workers drive hundreds of miles EVERY DAY in MICHIGAN WINTER.
And adding to what Robert said, it's vitally important that you learn how to map. I had two wonderful women who were the heads of their departments in two counties here in Michigan teach me to map. I was VERY lucky.
There just is no place where any of us can tell you to go to learn this stuff. You must be mentored. I don't think you could be a top notch real estate agent and a top notch abstractor at the same time. Being an abstractor is extremely time consuming. I personally put in a 12 hour day Monday-Friday and usually 4 to 6 hours Saturday and Sunday. Perhaps someday you'll run into somebody who wants an assistant and you can get into this business that way. Sorry we seem discouraging.
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