I know we were getting doc retrievaled to death for that reason (were, because we don't really work with this client any longer) OR only getting searches that are past the online system (which is fine, a real order).
It would be a great thing if people in some states would band together to prevent our work going off-shore but once a state is online? There's always going to be someone out there in your area who needs the money and will get the deed for someone. Some in GA thought that by charging the same for a doc retrieval as for a current owner, that it would prevent this in-house searching by the big guys. No, instead, they (or I) keep calling around til the answer is "Sure, it's $25." Do I hate it? Yes, for a number of reasons including that it hurt the GA searchers when the state went online. My selling point to clients is that we DON'T rely on that system and that we have a person at each county. Years ago, after three missed mortgages within two months from a "searcher" I found was relying only on GSCCCA, I decided I wouldn't work with anyone who worked online only. Became a moot point once the title companies started doing them in-house.
Consider the poor folks in MD. Their systems are all online back to the 1500's AND they're reliable, unlike GSCCCA. I can't tell you how many times I've been solicited with $10 MD searches from India I'd be comfortable doing them myself I've worked the system so long but I don't in general. I do however refuse to work with off-shore companies who do them.
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