I received the same offer(s) as well. The offers were from Frederico. He was originally wanting to start a vendor resource pool similar to Source of Title but after several months, I received this email (cut & pasted) from Vendors 4 You - titlevendors4you@gmail.com
"It has been a while, recently there has been a change in plans I simply did not have the time and resources to open a vendor management company.
So what i am offerinf you now is a helpful tool and information if you are interested.
I am selling my entire vendor network with over 500 vendors, with their pricing for the products they did fo me when i was in Altisource, contact information, coverage area and comments.
Wouldnt you like to see what the competition is charging? or know who is offering their services in your counties?
I spent 2 years building this network and thought some of you might be interested since its already built its very easy to use.
540 vendors, 38 states, names and numbers, prices and counties.
I will sell all this information for $500-300.
It also has volumes for 6 month period of Altisource orders, and the prices they paid in all those 6 months, and who the vendor was who did the work."
S.T.A.R. Title Service
Marianna, Fl
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