Dear "Til M" from Texas (any relation to "Fred M" by chance):
David is 100% correct. Maybe theft is a way of life in South America but it sure isn't in Texas.
a.) For Gods sake there IS and Was a Security Breach. Apparently (by your own admission) you and "we" (Frederico? and others?) "partnered up" to STEAL priveledge information that was acquired by (Frederico?) while in the employ of Altisource..this is called THEFT in laymans language. It gets better..for if this stolen property was sent across International borders and/or State lines you may have invoked Federal jurisdiction into your little scheme.
b.) It is NOT a list created by "him" on his own for his use, it was created..while "he" was working for Altisource which means it is their property not yours or his..not to mention the FACT that every single person/company on that list may now have a cause of action against you and your "partners" IF you sold the information to anyone as it was given solely to Altisource for their use...NOT yours and YOU converted it to your use by theft.
c.) Your CLAIM that the information that was stolen was just "contact info, coverage, etc." is your claim, whether that is true or not only YOU know, frankly I HOPE you get a knock on the door by the FBI's intellectual theft squad and they seize your equipment and find out how many of you are involved and exactly what was STOLEN by you and your "partners" and then send you away for some R & R so you can contemplate "For God's Sake" and yours, just what you did.
Ther wording of your comment on here, including your "sales pitch" on the marketplace combined with the wording in the e-mail I have seen from your "partner" tells me we are not dealing with rocket scientists. You might want to think long and hard next time before you entertain making money off of property that was stolen, it is still against the law, most assuredly in TEXAS!
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