First you have to buy a mailing list, I have bought 2, specifically for Nationwide title companies, then you have to get a postcard designed and once you are happy with your postcard get them printed and find a mailing house. I discovered it was cheaper to have 5000 cards printed at one time then a lesser amount.
I was fortunate because my best girl friend and her husband owned a mailing house, she already had a designer as she sent out postcards advertising her own business, so she worked with the designer to get my post card made up.
She also got the specifics from me on who I wanted the mailings to go to and purchased the first mailing list for me, as well as the 2nd one.
Twice a month my postcards went out.
Most mailing houses to the whole thing, they know which companies sell mailing lists, they also have contacts in the printing business.
They also have software to check addresses. You will still get about 10-15% of your postcards returned to you as companies have gone out of business.
I swear by this kind of advertising, I have gotten many of my clients from these mailings.
It costs me about $4,000.00 a year and worth every penny!
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