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[+] Deed Restrictions - Leigh Attridge/MA (7 replies)
3/25/2013 4:37:15 PM (3747 views)

[-] Direct Title Solutions - Robert Battle/NC (11 replies)
3/25/2013 2:03:07 PM (2773 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Brett Ryder/NC
3/25/2013 5:37:25 PM (2065 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Nils Nelson/ME
3/25/2013 8:13:56 PM (2087 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Bryan Marion/VA
3/25/2013 10:23:02 PM (2821 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Robert Battle/NC
3/26/2013 1:16:11 PM (2037 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Robert Battle/NC
3/26/2013 1:18:37 PM (1994 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Sharon Yahraes/ID
3/26/2013 3:19:46 PM (1980 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - latichia lee/DC
3/27/2013 1:45:16 PM (1946 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Sharon Yahraes/ID
3/27/2013 4:05:50 PM (1875 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Joseph Weaver/VA
3/31/2013 9:49:59 AM (1903 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
4/2/2013 1:54:01 AM (1864 views)
Re: Direct Title Solutions - Lynda Cooke/VA
5/28/2013 11:45:20 PM (1565 views)

My experience with this company mirrors that of Mr. Murch.

 The work is not hard, generally.  Its not unlike a dime novel on a rainy afternoon.  Not bad for relaxation, just can't take then but so seriously.  It will turn your head to mush if taken in great quantities.  

 I found them inexperienced and more than a little dangerous to the industry.  They have no ethics, no knowledge base, and are bottom line driven at your and their customer's expense.  A dangerous combination.  

 If you want to take them on for the extra cash just be wise about it.  Know going in it won't last.  Don't put them on your first string client base.  Use them as filler.  

Know and be prepared.  They will drop you like a hot rock if they can get remote access in your area or they get a $5 price break from your competitor.    Beware, be wise.  

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[+] Certificate Holder - Ellen Maher/MI (8 replies)
3/25/2013 12:16:25 PM (2205 views)

[+] Unites States Title Corp - Lucille Femine/TN (9 replies)
3/23/2013 12:03:31 PM (2585 views)

[+] Due Diligence Research - Scott Perry/PA (5 replies)
3/21/2013 10:32:38 PM (2432 views)

Real Title Services

[+] CoreLogic NO PAY! STAY AWAY! - Edward Ulric/SC (33 replies)
3/19/2013 8:58:51 PM (4806 views)

[+] It's Move It or Lose It in the Path of a Nor'Easter - Leigh Attridge/MA (1 reply)
3/19/2013 6:05:29 PM (3537 views)

[+] Wells Fargo Typo Victim Dies in Court - Leigh Attridge/MA (3 replies)
3/19/2013 2:34:14 PM (3934 views)

I'm new here - Anthony Dressel/WA
3/19/2013 1:56:48 PM (1391 views)

[+] Comment on "Recorders Sued for Providing Copies of Deeds with Racial Covenants" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
3/18/2013 3:45:58 PM (2097 views)

[+] Just For Fun - Scott Perry/PA (41 replies)
3/16/2013 11:49:52 PM (2160 views)

[+] Nightmare bill passed - Miriam Shoaff-Rolles/IN (20 replies)
3/14/2013 8:04:55 PM (3908 views)

[+] I will say it again...and again...and again!!! - Nils Nelson/ME (13 replies)
3/14/2013 12:31:40 PM (2180 views)

[+] Protecting our Title Abstracting Field - Deborah Jackson/GA (4 replies)
3/12/2013 5:28:45 PM (2299 views)

[+] First American Title Cleveland, OH - Deborah Jackson/GA (3 replies)
3/12/2013 5:19:12 PM (2522 views)

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