I'd be interested to know of your experience with ServiceLink Smitty.
I did some work for them for a while. They wanted to pay rock bottom prices, and take 3 months to do it. They sent me a survey once asking for constructive criticism, which I offered. Thereafter, I got several more orders, and things were going along ok. They're quite demanding but I strive to please my customer, so generally I'm willing to do whatever it takes. But when I came home one evening to find Fedex at my door with a recording for a courthouse 2 hours away, complete with checks to cover recording, but without any prior agreement or even knowledge of the recording, things turned irreparably bad. I sent a message saying while it turned out I could do the recording, it was dangerous for them to assume I'd be available to cover their recordings without prior knowledge and agreement. Reasonable, right? Not according to ServiceLink. The woman whose name I forgot sent me no fewer than 5 messages telling me she would never have time to send me messages in advance of fedexing urgent recordings. What if I died? What if I were on vacation? None of this mattered, none of her other vendors asked for this, so I shouldn't either. So we mutually agreed I would no longer be their vendor.
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