There is a lot of that going around. Some months I feel like I quote more than I actually get. But if we don't quote then we risk not getting anything. Everyone wants a quote these days. For the Companies that always ask for quotes that do not turn into anything. I quote $500 for Full Searches and mention it is just a quote. Here is why. Even if it is just a quote. I still have to pay the title plants, they do not care that it is just a quote. We pay for E and O Insurance, all the services and requirements it takes to run our Companies to provide a Product of QUALITY. The time we spend quoting files for the Companies that usually never follow through is time we could spending working on actual paying customers. Our time and knowledge is Valuable. For me it had been learning to not quote files out of fear (that I may be missing out on something financially) that normally I would not do when I have an abundance of work. It's about balance and serenity so that I may provide Quality Service which is what the Customers who do follow through are paying for. Not the shysters that want a quick fix.
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