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Widow's Bankruptcy Case & Rent Stabilized Housing - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/21/2013 8:11:00 AM (3433 views)

Carl Litchfield - Mallory Jones/CA
10/17/2013 2:37:40 PM (2409 views)
Re: Carl Litchfield - Carl Litchfield/SC
10/20/2013 10:00:00 PM (2175 views)

DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Mallory Jones/CA
10/15/2013 12:06:58 PM (2348 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Deepak Sreekantaiah/OH
10/15/2013 1:12:29 PM (2405 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Mallory Jones/CA
10/15/2013 1:17:38 PM (2125 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Deepak Sreekantaiah/OH
10/15/2013 1:25:25 PM (2022 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Mallory Jones/CA
10/15/2013 1:45:13 PM (2025 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Deepak Sreekantaiah/OH
10/15/2013 1:47:54 PM (2015 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Mallory Jones/CA
10/15/2013 1:56:37 PM (2125 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Deepak Sreekantaiah/OH
10/15/2013 1:59:54 PM (2033 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Mark Rasnick/OH
10/15/2013 2:31:08 PM (2081 views)
Re: DORCHESTER Abstractor ASAP - Dawn Winning/SC
11/12/2013 9:58:34 AM (1585 views)

Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Kurt deVries/FL
10/14/2013 12:53:51 PM (3574 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/14/2013 5:35:49 PM (2494 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Alix Ott/MI
10/15/2013 6:42:20 AM (2318 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/15/2013 7:33:11 AM (2179 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Tamara Howard/FL
11/6/2013 7:49:21 AM (1663 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Philip Apter/CT
10/15/2013 8:13:23 AM (2102 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Kurt deVries/FL
10/15/2013 10:20:58 AM (2190 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Bill Garrett/MS
10/15/2013 12:24:18 PM (2148 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Scott Perry/PA
10/15/2013 12:49:54 PM (2139 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Sheila Sten/PA
10/16/2013 9:33:22 PM (1974 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Robert Franco/OH
10/18/2013 1:17:30 PM (2261 views)

Perhaps I have a different point of view.  It sounds to me like you have an agreement with your client that they will pay you less if there are any deficiencies in the search.  That was your choice to enter into that agreement. 

Do you have the same agreement with your abstractor?  It does not sound like you do.  Therefore, I think the abstractor should be paid in full. 

Also, I'm not sure where the idea of this "deduction" ever came from.  The abstractor did the work, why should they not be paid?  Because they made a mistake?  We are all human and we all make mistakes.  It sounds like this one was caught in time, and there was no claim or loss as a result.  I seriously doubt that when the homeowner sat down at the closing table someone said "good news - an abstractor you never heard of made a mistake and corrected it, therefore we are reducing your fee by $50.00!" 

And, I have been called many times by clients over the past 20 years claiming that we missed something and demanding that we double check it immediately.  The vast majority of the time, the client is mistaken and our search was correct.  Do we get to charge extra for that extra work??  Not likely.  So, why should we charge less when we did make a mistake, so long as it was caught before closing?

I have offered, in a few instances where we have actually made a mistake, to waive my fee.  Usually my client says "No, you did the work, we will pay you.  Just be more careful in the future."

What should happen, in my humble opinion, is that the abstractor should always be paid - unless they offer to waive their fee.  Mistakes happen.  However, if the mistakes get to be common, it may be time to search for a new abstractor.  One mistake, however, is excusable and I would pay them.

Just my two cents worth.

Robert A. Franco


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Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Kurt deVries/FL
10/18/2013 4:09:48 PM (2096 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Kurt deVries/FL
10/18/2013 4:11:36 PM (2010 views)
Re: Abstractor Missing Mortgage - Kevin Ahern/CT
10/20/2013 12:29:23 PM (2171 views)

Protection of NPPI - Jaime  Kosofsky/NC
10/14/2013 10:31:35 AM (2311 views)

PropertyInfo Corporation - David Bloys/TX
10/11/2013 12:48:11 PM (2532 views)
Re: PropertyInfo Corporation - Alix Ott/MI
10/15/2013 6:44:07 AM (2013 views)
Re: PropertyInfo Corporation - David Bloys/TX
10/15/2013 8:09:59 AM (2057 views)

Comment on "LPS: Home Equity Loan Market May Pick Up Slack from Refinance Market" - Source of Title/OH
10/11/2013 9:03:41 AM (2241 views)
New appetite for home equity loans - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/11/2013 9:03:41 AM (3131 views)

Try it before you buy it?? - Leigh Attridge/MA
10/8/2013 7:52:53 AM (1632 views)

Name change and e-mail address update - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
10/7/2013 11:58:31 AM (2144 views)
Re: Name change and e-mail address update - Robert Franco/OH
10/10/2013 12:23:29 PM (2087 views)
Re: Name change and e-mail address update - CHARLENE  PERRY/MD
10/10/2013 12:29:57 PM (2031 views)

Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Donna Brewer/CT
10/7/2013 10:20:51 AM (2729 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Regina  Engebritson/MN
10/7/2013 2:06:07 PM (4404 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Donna Brewer/CT
10/9/2013 10:33:28 PM (2481 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Becky Vigneault/VT
10/15/2013 8:04:51 PM (2257 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - george Hubka/MI
10/21/2013 10:31:12 PM (2236 views)
. - Regina  Engebritson/MN
10/9/2013 11:05:48 PM (2237 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Sarah Harper/AR
10/15/2013 8:55:04 AM (2704 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Donna Brewer/CT
10/19/2013 1:50:54 PM (2337 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Nils Nelson/ME
11/4/2013 5:29:12 PM (2010 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Sarah Harper/AR
11/5/2013 12:23:19 PM (2124 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Nils Nelson/ME
11/5/2013 12:41:51 PM (2133 views)
Re: Anyone ever hear of Progressive Title out of Arkansas? - Natalia Smith-Wallach/CT
1/4/2014 7:19:27 AM (2082 views)

Hunter Title in Florida, no payment - Edward Walker Jr/NJ
10/4/2013 8:36:52 AM (1850 views)

Warrn and Smith - J Nisonger/CA
10/3/2013 4:32:06 PM (3334 views)

El Dorado Assessor's Parcel Maps - Mitch Delaney/CA
10/3/2013 3:17:38 PM (2037 views)

Walk up Recording Services - Dawn Zacharias/OH
10/2/2013 12:08:39 PM (2146 views)

10/2/2013 11:56:13 AM (2793 views)
3/13/2014 4:19:00 PM (1808 views)

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