First of all I would like to know where is the outrage toward the insurance companies? The horror stories I have read over the years has made me wonder why any intelligent person would participate in the fraud perpetrated by the insurance companies. Instead of canceling peoples policies or raising their rates they could have just as easily decided to adapt policies to meet the new guidelines. In my opinion this is their way fighting back by manipulating their policy holders emotions so there will be more outrage toward Obamacare. Personally I hope it backfires and ends up destroying most of them due to loss of policy holders. I guess they crunched the numbers and decided the risk was worth taking.
I am mostly hoping to find out if any independent title examiners have checked into this new system. Does income in any way play a part in all of this. My concern is that my income fluctuates from year to year so I'm not sure how to handle this. I haven't done much research on this yet and I thought if anyone has any info or ideas on this it would be beneficial. For instance: if I incorporate and show myself as an employee making the same amount every year would that help with this situation or not?
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