Hi Fran,
You are welcome, when it comes to overseas companies such as these, it has really hurt professional abstractors, searchers, independents, etc. We now, ultimately suffer because we are cleaning up the mess they made when this all started. I search FL only and have been for 15 years, I specialize in knowing FL real estate law and searching. I came from the days of microfilm and mapping out the counties in my car on a daily basis. Technology has changed the entire process, which I am in favor of, however, I am not in favor of overseas companies processing title when incompetent to know the laws, how to search properly, etc. Standard with a client of mine, I must find the deed into the developer when it is a subdivision less than 30 years, on a full search. I don't believe they can process this type of search, a true title search, bottom line. <vent> To top it all off, they contact us for what they can't retrieve and 99.9% time is a difficult "current owner search", when in fact, it is something old they can't retrieve.
Unfortunately, the "Advanced Abstract" and other variations of this name are common in the title industry, I do believe this was done intentionally to continue to retrieve search work. In replying to one of the emails from them, the return email read like this:
Notice, the name is not spelled the same...
Just be careful, I make sure that I talk to someone on the phone before providing services. I also now check the companies out more carefully and request a physical address.
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