"First of all, insurance companies are in the business of assuming risks. Would you expect your auto insurer to issue you a policy against theft after your car gets stolen? After all, it’s not fair for them to deny you coverage due to that pre-existing condition. There will be no insurance to buy if people only buy it when they need it. The insurers are simply adapting to the regulatory environment"
I've paid for my own health insurance for many years. I'm a healthy individual and almost never need to see a doctor, and still my rates are going through the roof. Explain that to me Scott from PA.
Also, apparently you missed the part of my last comment that said I'm not a fan of either party.
I'm a realist. For all of it's shortcomings the ACA was legitimately voted on is the law of the land like it or not. It was also upheld by a conservative-leaning supreme court. So let's stop whining about it and learn to work with it.
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