"Educating clients" should not be my job, don't you think? I absolutely have told them what a 1 order search is. I'm sure my missive is in the realm of complaining, but I thought that's what this forum was for, to discuss issues, problems, offer insight, warn others of deadbeat clients, share general information to help in our business.
I have and always will make it clear that easements and restrictions are in the timeframe of the search. It is on EVERY form and I know that my fellow abstractors not associated with my company do exactly the same thing. That's not an issue. A "full search" means different things to different clients, just like a "1 owner search" does. I have some clients who will accept a QCD as a good starting point; most want a WD. some want purchase money proof. some clients want an 80 year search and they will so specify. The vast majority want a 40 year search and I'm certain they have their own disclaimers on their commitments.
As for oil/gas, unless you are a Landman and in the industry, it's difficult to have a discussion. The Big Dogs in o/g are not foolish to lease as quickly as they can. When a company like Chesapeake moves into an area, they are quickly followed by many small companies nipping at their heels (which is why Landmen will rarely tell you who they are working for or where their work is concentrated). The small companies will lease with almost NO research in order to secure the property, and then sell that lease -- at a profit -- to a heavy player. No guarantee of rights is implied and it is up to the o/g company to make sure the person they're dealing with actually owns the mineral rights. This is just the way it is done. I spent a year living in a hotel in Pennsylvania doing o/g work and an education it was. So different from the mortgage industry.
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