Then what are you complaining about? Educate your client and do not supply information beyond what they pay for. If they order a one owner search, then they do not get easements. If they want easements, then charge more and/or create a new product. Don't complain about them trying to comply with the reasonable expectations of their underwriter at the lowest price they can get.
BTW - If I order a full search and you do not go back to the 1920's when you know that you should, it would be the last order you received from me. If I pay for a full search, then that is what I would expect unless I was told the limitations at the start.
Oil/gas leases of record are taken as exceptions. Therefore, it does not matter who has the rights unless the exception is to be removed. In that case, a mineral search would need to be ordered. Anyone establishing a new lease without a full mineral search is foolish.
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