I agree with you John, I also find Mike to be a knowledgeable contact and a personable man. I have no problem doing their work after a rocky start as they pay me a fair price, however they need to be more responsive to payment issues when they arise. I won't and don't tolerate invoices outside 60 days and implement a hard cap (No work in or out) when an invoice reaches that mark, regardless of the client. They don't have the capability to rectify a problem caused by them immediately which is both frustrating and damaging to a working relationship! Rather then correct the issue immediately they put your invoices back in cycle to be cut between the 10th & 15th of the next month (Not Acceptable!). They then send the work to another vendor who then ends up sending it to us again, now I have to turn the search down from my colleague which causes friction between us! All could have been rectified by an immediate cutting of a check to correct omissions on their end! If they expect to survive they will have to figure a way to correct issues on the spot as most searchers have been seriously burned in the past and will not show the same patience that we did.
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