The man I dealt with had a very heavy middle eastern accent. This I did not know till after we needed to speak with him about order. I and other searches I associate with have had contact with him in the past. We did try to do work for him a few years ago and we all had the same results an extreme pain to work with he had no knowledge of title, ordered copies etc, and then never paid any of us. We actually told him to stop calling and emailing we were not going to work with him it took for ever for him to get it straight. He would contact us a week to a month later like he had no idea who we were this went on for almost 2 years every now and then he would be trying to contact us again. He was such an unknowledgeable pain that his one order wasted more of our time then 20 orders because of his nonsense constant phone calls at all hours. That was another clue he might not be in the US at least at that time. I do not have his info currently, but I am sure it is the same Hanc Group.I actually can not believe he is still around.
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