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Merry Christmas, all, and may we all have a blessed year to come! - Elizabeth Helman/PA
12/25/2013 12:59:27 PM (1836 views)
Re: Merry Christmas, all, and may we all have a blessed year to come! - Robert Franco/OH
12/26/2013 9:38:15 AM (1597 views)

Thank you, Elizabeth.  And, the same to you!

Robert A. Franco

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Re: Merry Christmas, all, and may we all have a blessed year to come! - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
1/9/2014 7:43:27 AM (1463 views)
Re: Merry Christmas, all, and may we all have a blessed year to come! - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
1/6/2014 1:50:25 PM (1425 views)

Holiday Cheer from Jireh Business Information Solutions, Inc. - Scott Perry/PA
12/21/2013 3:06:10 PM (3539 views)
Re: Holiday Cheer from Jireh Business Information Solutions, Inc. - Robert Franco/OH
12/23/2013 4:19:16 PM (1691 views)

Altisource - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/20/2013 2:17:31 PM (2740 views)
Re: Altisource - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/22/2013 9:14:05 PM (2243 views)
Re: Altisource - Alix Ott/MI
12/23/2013 7:48:33 AM (2078 views)
Re: Altisource - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/23/2013 12:01:38 PM (1979 views)
Re: Altisource - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/26/2013 6:02:53 PM (1902 views)
Re: Altisource - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/27/2013 11:03:47 AM (1915 views)
Re: Altisource - K C/NJ
12/30/2013 2:55:05 PM (1779 views)

Don Richards/Southeastern Title - Jason Knowles/AL
12/19/2013 12:18:32 PM (2566 views)
Re: Don Richards/Southeastern Title - Charles Richards, Jr/AL
12/19/2013 3:01:25 PM (2492 views)
Re: Don Richards/Southeastern Title - Jason Knowles/AL
12/19/2013 3:10:55 PM (2135 views)

Important Notice for Internet Explorer 11 Users - Slade Smith/OH
12/18/2013 1:48:46 PM (1893 views)
Re: Important Notice for Internet Explorer 11 Users - Scott Perry/PA
12/18/2013 8:08:41 PM (1732 views)
Re: Important Notice for Internet Explorer 11 Users - Robert Franco/OH
12/20/2013 11:27:23 AM (1764 views)
Re: Important Notice for Internet Explorer 11 Users - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
1/9/2014 7:22:55 AM (1535 views)

Real Title Services

12/18/2013 12:44:12 PM (2250 views)
Re: RF Realty Services, LLC - Heather St Amant/LA
12/18/2013 4:34:31 PM (1945 views)

Comment on "Foreclosure Attorneys Get 90 Day Suspensions for Robo-Signing" - Source of Title/OH
12/17/2013 2:33:58 PM (1835 views)
Shame - shame, shame/VA
12/17/2013 2:33:58 PM (5845 views)
Re: Shame - Slade Smith/OH
12/18/2013 2:03:03 PM (5673 views)
No incentive to follow the law - Bobbi Shorthouse, Notary Public/CT
12/19/2013 8:33:13 AM (5637 views)
just sayin...... - SHAME/VA
12/20/2013 4:52:08 PM (5601 views)

Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - Joyce Obrien/PA
12/16/2013 12:34:43 PM (4475 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - K C/NJ
12/30/2013 2:56:09 PM (2035 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - Joyce Obrien/PA
12/30/2013 3:02:09 PM (1883 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - K C/NJ
12/30/2013 5:03:09 PM (2066 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - george Hubka/MI
1/15/2014 7:44:27 PM (1820 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - Joyce Obrien/PA
1/15/2014 8:02:35 PM (2114 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - george Hubka/MI
1/15/2014 8:09:30 PM (1836 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - K C/NJ
12/30/2013 5:01:55 PM (2142 views)
Re: Central Lending Services Direct D/B/A CLS Direct, Inc. - Robyn Gordon/NJ
2/6/2014 7:48:57 PM (1809 views)

Fee insult - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/15/2013 2:37:26 PM (2404 views)
Re: Fee insult - Alix Ott/MI
12/16/2013 7:58:04 AM (2144 views)
Re: Fee insult - Edward Ulric/SC
12/16/2013 9:05:12 AM (2147 views)
Re: Fee insult - Kurt deVries/FL
12/16/2013 11:19:45 AM (2113 views)
Re: Fee insult - Kristina Leitch/MD
12/18/2013 7:40:39 PM (1900 views)
Re: Fee insult - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/19/2013 8:30:33 AM (1940 views)

Capitol Services, Austin, TX - Edward Ulric/SC
12/14/2013 7:43:46 AM (2074 views)
Re: Capitol Services, Austin, TX - David Bloys/TX
12/14/2013 4:32:28 PM (1996 views)
Re: Capitol Services, Austin, TX - Edward Ulric/SC
12/15/2013 12:48:16 PM (1910 views)

First National Bank Looking for Courthouse Researchers - David Bloys/TX
12/12/2013 1:37:46 PM (5221 views)
Re: First National Bank Looking for Courthouse Researchers - Alix Ott/MI
12/12/2013 3:38:07 PM (1985 views)
Re: First National Bank Looking for Courthouse Researchers - David Bloys/TX
12/12/2013 5:08:31 PM (2202 views)
Re: First National Bank Looking for Courthouse Researchers - Alix Ott/MI
12/12/2013 5:12:09 PM (2235 views)

Notice Relating to all City of Lynn foreclosure deed filings - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/11/2013 11:32:47 AM (1400 views)

global data/ title prep - cynthia hoffman/PA
12/9/2013 5:04:24 PM (3327 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/10/2013 3:21:24 PM (2172 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Heather St Amant/LA
12/15/2013 4:28:25 PM (2164 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Kenneth Signor/SC
12/16/2013 5:26:37 AM (2057 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Philip Apter/CT
12/16/2013 6:20:11 AM (1938 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - martha campbell/VA
12/16/2013 6:33:00 AM (1959 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Jason Roush/OH
12/16/2013 7:27:40 AM (1919 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Catherine Jackson/NC
12/16/2013 10:01:54 AM (1877 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Michael Vernon/AZ
12/16/2013 12:36:50 PM (1882 views)
Re: global data/ title prep - Michaela Urban/OH
12/16/2013 7:03:06 PM (1913 views)

reliable property reports - Joseph Kelley/MO
12/9/2013 12:09:36 PM (2856 views)
Re: reliable property reports - Alix Ott/MI
12/12/2013 3:38:58 PM (2014 views)
Re: reliable property reports - Jason Roush/OH
12/16/2013 7:28:53 AM (1895 views)
Re: reliable property reports - Alix Ott/MI
12/16/2013 7:54:57 AM (1861 views)

Southeastern Title Services in Al - jane guiles/AL
12/5/2013 9:05:48 PM (2783 views)
Re: Southeastern Title Services in Al - Bob Darwin/AL
12/6/2013 8:23:16 PM (2176 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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