The group I'm talking about ARE independent abstractors. That's the problem. The CLIENTS tell me what copies they want and I, as a vendor manager, pass that on to the individual abstractors or other vendor managers in other states (sometimes, that independent being myself if it is a Michigan order in "my" counties). As I first stated, the problem is I based my fees on the fees from this one MN vendor manager. I have others listed, but they are all much higher in price so now I'm stuck. I will have to close those counties because I cannot take a loss on orders. If I had just been told up front that I had to pay for copies that THEY wanted to make, I would have gone with other independents at a higher price. It never even crossed my mind that anyone would insist on providing copies not asked for!
BTW, Altisource is not a scam. They are a PITA, but not a scam.
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