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HBL, looking for new clients! - Jeffrey Brittain/SC
2/14/2013 2:58:19 PM (1120 views)

I am representing HBL Abstracting Services. We are a fairly new firm that provides title abstracting services for SC. and VA. As SC is an attorney mandated state, we have an attorney that can certify all our work before it is submitted. We are currently working for companies that directly represent large mortgage companies as well as banks. We are currently looking for clients that can provide us with at least 100 orders a month over the next three to six months. This volume will serve as a catalyst for expanding our operations. Steady volume will provide a higher earning potential for our service providers through which we hope to negotiate lower costs and translate those into lower prices. We project that within three to six months we can expand our operations to handle 1000 orders per month. Please let me know where I can send our pricing for review if our service could be of benefit to your company. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. If you have any questions you may email Rainer Brittain at rainer@hblabstracts.com or call (864) 921-0186.

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New Haven VT order - Michelle Walet/FL
2/14/2013 10:21:47 AM (790 views)

Nebraska Searchers wanted!!! - Amanda Kraly/PA
2/12/2013 10:14:35 AM (1007 views)

Independent Abstractor working from home - Derrick Freeman/MI
2/12/2013 1:00:00 AM (998 views)

Title Abstractor - Janet Angi/MI
2/11/2013 1:37:06 PM (1020 views)

Real Title Services

Required Probate Docs in MA & NH - Jay K/NJ
2/7/2013 4:17:55 PM (939 views)

PI needed near Milwaukee, WI - Phil McLean/CO
2/7/2013 3:18:36 PM (754 views)

Experienced Abstractor in Pennsylvania available - Charlene Bruening/PA
2/7/2013 12:42:27 PM (1156 views)
Re: Experienced Abstractor in Pennsylvania available - venka thimaiah/GA
2/18/2013 10:36:51 AM (1316 views)
Re: Experienced Abstractor in Pennsylvania available - Patricia Fitzroy/PA
2/19/2013 9:21:04 AM (1264 views)

Experienced, Accurate and Dependable Abstracting Company Seeking New Clients - Kimberly Love/MI
2/7/2013 11:40:33 AM (1335 views)

RedVision Florida Opening – Southeast Title Searcher/Examiner - Toni Saverino/NJ
2/7/2013 11:18:06 AM (1374 views)

Pennsylvania Title Examiner/Abstractor Available - Karen Danner/PA
2/7/2013 8:01:58 AM (1321 views)
Re: Pennsylvania Title Examiner/Abstractor Available - Patricia Fitzroy/PA
2/19/2013 9:20:16 AM (1394 views)
Re: Pennsylvania Title Examiner/Abstractor Available - Karen Danner/PA
2/19/2013 11:13:18 AM (1337 views)

Virtual Abstractor Assistant - Mary Kobayashi/ID
2/1/2013 11:09:26 PM (830 views)

TitleVision Texas Opening - Full-Time Workflow Team Leader - Title- - Toni Saverino/NJ
1/30/2013 4:40:08 PM (1576 views)

Virtual Abstractor Assistant - Mary Kobayashi/ID
1/29/2013 12:42:29 PM (766 views)

Pennyslvania Searchers.... - Amanda Kraly/PA
1/29/2013 10:29:32 AM (1207 views)
Re: Pennyslvania Searchers.... - Karen Danner/PA
2/7/2013 7:50:54 AM (1501 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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