Hi Ben, yes, would enjoy connecting, as I think there are many ways to invest in one's future using technology. There is a place and time for what I call 'quick fixes', and usually those will do for the moment so to speak but not sustainable. What I find is that a lot of customers are using 'basic tech' for outputs - that could be a word form, pdf, etc. and it will work for a while, until it doesn't. What I mean is that clients seeking vendors with more sophisticated solutions...such as integrations...those client may choose a vendor that can 'keep pace'...and no one wants to be left behind. For a Vendor it could be intimating, but with when partnered with a technology company, that knows your industry - you can be your best, and that could very well increase margins! Don't know until you explore it. So yes, let's chat. Thanks! -Denise
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