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[+] ServiceLink - Karen Hurley/KY (14 replies)
7/7/2014 7:27:31 PM (3661 views)

7/7/2014 10:07:43 AM (1842 views)

[+] Copies (again) - now the opposite extreme - Alix Ott/MI (19 replies)
7/7/2014 8:24:19 AM (2210 views)

[+] 4th of July - Shona Dunning/WY (1 reply)
7/4/2014 1:17:23 PM (1728 views)

[+] What constitutes a "full search" in WI? - Alix Ott/MI (5 replies)
6/27/2014 10:21:51 AM (2003 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Title prep -GLOBAL DATA - Brandon Denby/MI (11 replies)
6/25/2014 12:54:34 PM (2478 views)

[+] Altisource - John Rawlings/WI (21 replies)
6/20/2014 3:46:09 PM (3542 views)

[-] Doc Hunters - Judy Mac/LA (15 replies)
6/20/2014 9:41:44 AM (3389 views)

I received a request from Doc Hunters for O&E last Thursday evening, when I returned from working out of Parish - so by 6 pm.  By 7:30 the next morning I got another email, asking what the status was of the order I got at 6 the night before.   I replied that I don't work overnight, and that I'd get the work done and they'd have it by 10 am Monday.   I received a reply that the second email was automatically generated.  I inferred what was meant is the person had no control.  I found this rather rude - that someone would program the "system" to nag, while freeing the actual people from any responsibility.  Also, the emails were unsigned.  Very unprofessional.  Anyway, the person who emailed said she accepted the deadline by which I agreed to finish the work.  

Before that deadline arrived, I received another automatically generated message asking for status of work.  Now.  It was mutually agreed upon that  Monday at 10 am would be the time for receipt of work. I am an adult, and a professional, and I meet deadlines.  Never have I given anyone any reason to doubt my ability to meet a deadline.  I found this second auto generated email, and 4th message all together, for an order Doc Hunters wants to pay 50 dollars for, incredibly rude, time wasting, nagging and utterly unnecessary.  So I replied to the auto email that I didn't appreciate the nagging, and future nagging would be added to my bill.  Finished the work, sent it off with a request someone acknowledging receipt, which never happened. Apparently real people have difficulty sending emails there.   Couple days later I got a call from Tiffany, who was even more rude than the emails, and while she would not allow me to interrupt to answer questions she asked (guess they were rhetorical) she persistantly interrupted and talked over me.  When I told her I would not do further work for her, she said she'd already removed me from their list of vendors.  Then why the call?  Rude, cheap, demanding, slow to pay.  Do as you wish, but I wouldn't comfortably recommend this company.

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Re: Doc Hunters - Rita Killary/NY
6/20/2014 10:34:42 AM (1885 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Saundra  Scott/MD
6/20/2014 6:37:08 PM (1808 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Mike Campbell/FL
7/2/2014 10:11:19 AM (1487 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Mike Campbell/FL
7/2/2014 10:00:29 AM (1448 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Rita Killary/NY
7/2/2014 4:57:54 PM (1406 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Mike Campbell/FL
7/3/2014 3:12:03 PM (1558 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Rita Killary/NY
7/4/2014 10:54:27 AM (1425 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Dexter Jung/TX
6/23/2014 9:32:47 AM (1567 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Mike Campbell/FL
7/2/2014 10:03:20 AM (1414 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - John Neilio/MI
6/30/2014 10:54:49 AM (1486 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Mike Campbell/FL
6/30/2014 12:34:21 PM (1569 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Mike Campbell/FL
6/30/2014 5:12:05 PM (1526 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - David Bloys/TX
7/2/2014 12:29:40 PM (1343 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Jeff Barnes/NH
7/2/2014 2:25:11 PM (1358 views)
Re: Doc Hunters - Joel Holstad/MN
7/14/2014 9:16:07 AM (1238 views)

6/18/2014 3:21:55 PM (1795 views)

6/18/2014 3:16:11 PM (1662 views)

[+] Rodney Walker/Name to watch - Suzanne Kay/GA (1 reply)
6/17/2014 4:44:39 PM (2428 views)

[+] O'Connor Title Services - Chicago - Paul Reichner/MD (7 replies)
6/17/2014 2:23:26 PM (2017 views)

Knowledge Splice Services - Suzi Wallace/CA
6/17/2014 1:37:02 PM (1557 views)

[+] Knowledge Splice Services, LLC - Saundra  Scott/MD (9 replies)
6/16/2014 7:20:18 PM (2361 views)

[+] RESPA Violation? - Jay D/MO (4 replies)
6/16/2014 11:54:39 AM (1950 views)

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