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[+] Clients from India - Joseph Alvey/KY (17 replies)
8/31/2014 10:58:46 AM (2529 views)

[+] Global Data Source LLC (Title Prep) - Joseph Alvey/KY (4 replies)
8/31/2014 10:46:30 AM (2263 views)

[+] E & O Insurance - Jim Ashley/WV (4 replies)
8/27/2014 9:00:33 PM (1779 views)

[+] Pacer Access - Dan Zook/NY (2 replies)
8/27/2014 12:59:17 PM (3305 views)

[+] Indus Abstract services - Joseph Alvey/KY (11 replies)
8/27/2014 10:58:26 AM (5010 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Title2Land - Kurt deVries/FL (1 reply)
8/27/2014 10:57:13 AM (2014 views)

[+] Low prices and marketing. - Joseph Alvey/KY (1 reply)
8/26/2014 5:56:43 PM (1995 views)

[+] Comment on "First Parish in Louisiana Begins e-Recording" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
8/25/2014 8:55:42 AM (1685 views)

Gestalti - John Walker/PA
8/25/2014 6:31:56 AM (1872 views)

[+] Florida Investment Property/ 2nd Home and Homestead - Heidi Gemeling/FL (1 reply)
8/22/2014 1:02:07 PM (2485 views)

[+] Comment on "Your Spouse Can Mortgage Your Property Without Your Signature?" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
8/21/2014 3:07:34 PM (1947 views)

8/20/2014 1:50:31 PM (2562 views)

[+] National Land Records/Paradise - Jason Knowles/AL (3 replies)
8/20/2014 12:20:26 PM (2333 views)

[-] I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY (22 replies)
8/19/2014 4:18:18 PM (3852 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Robert Franco/OH
8/19/2014 5:06:00 PM (2258 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/19/2014 5:17:31 PM (2116 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - WAYNE QUICK/NC
8/25/2014 8:23:15 AM (1829 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/25/2014 8:29:09 AM (1768 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Rita Killary/NY
8/25/2014 9:38:23 AM (1688 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/25/2014 10:27:55 AM (1588 views)
Competent Abstractring - Victoria Moate/NJ
8/25/2014 10:46:36 AM (1642 views)
I think any title agency or bank that is willing to take the risk of hiring robo searching is out of their minds.  Ditto on title agencies that hire "examiners" who have less than 5 years experience.

That being said, WHY ON EARTH would you do 90 day billing to a client that did not pay on time and had you working essentially for free for them?

Part of the problem of being in business for ourselves is managing what we do like a BUSINESS.

And, there is a "theft of services" law iin just about every state in the U.S.   So, if your clients aren't paying, file a theft of services complaint against them.  Some one OWING you $3000 has not paid you!  You can't lose what you haven't been paid!

In NJ, you file a Theft of Services at the county level and the police actually show up at their door.

Not sure what it is like in KY

Run your business like a business and you will be successful at it.  If you have to keep discounting your services to "compete", you have a problem.  Good, reliable support services are GOLD - up your own standards on yourself - better to  take on a handful of good paying, clients than work with one based on "volume work" that they haven't paid on  $0 x $0 = $00.00to post a reply: login - or - register

Re: Competent Abstractring - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/25/2014 10:38:44 PM (1534 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Rita Killary/NY
8/25/2014 10:48:38 AM (1466 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Robert Franco/OH
8/25/2014 1:09:00 PM (1548 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/25/2014 4:14:31 PM (1552 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - LUTHER FISHER/NC
8/25/2014 3:50:21 PM (1465 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Chris Byron/NC
8/25/2014 3:17:31 PM (1600 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/25/2014 3:52:21 PM (1445 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/26/2014 3:37:56 AM (1380 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - M Adams/KY
8/26/2014 7:31:30 AM (1336 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/26/2014 8:20:52 AM (1448 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/26/2014 8:39:53 AM (1475 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - M Adams/KY
8/26/2014 9:50:36 AM (1497 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Yvette Alvey/KY
8/26/2014 9:57:20 AM (1659 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - Lisa Ramsey/TX
8/10/2015 10:07:59 PM (947 views)
Re: I was terminated by Accurate Group - MARC DAVIS/PA
8/3/2015 1:25:23 PM (1096 views)

[+] Accurate Group slow payers - Yvette Alvey/KY (2 replies)
8/19/2014 3:37:25 PM (2664 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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