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[-] Double H Title - Smitty Strickland/SC (1 reply)
10/2/2014 6:17:55 PM (4508 views)
Re: Double H Title - Angela Lawrimore/SC
9/29/2015 9:30:48 PM (1142 views)

I am at the point that I KNOW I hold a few specific title searches, correction -I am withholding title searches from their requests and if they don't come around to pay the over $8K by Friday this week, they will not only NEVER get their search, but they will find they won't be able to do too much in any county in this state when I do what I must do. It would behoove them to start paying for services rendered, rather than throw very large lavish parties in celebration of a bank account that holds more than HALF of our monies well over due.

 They haven't EVER met a girl from the south that knows how to tear balls like I do. I will literally use every bit of energy I have reserved while doing this hell chemo treatments and blast them to the past where they belong, just to ensure that they will have to pay before practicing their "law".  I'm putting into motion a very large filing that will be sent to Mecklenburg County, and every other county in SC ... they will find me to be the NASTIEST abstractor still alive when I get thru with them, in fact, they will probably wish me dead before they are finished swallowing the pill I am going to file and make them choke on..

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[+] Has anyone ever done business with O and E Title in Alabama? - Suzi Wallace/CA (3 replies)
10/2/2014 4:34:03 PM (1939 views)

[+] E & O Insurance - Cate Jones/NH (4 replies)
10/2/2014 2:36:16 PM (2087 views)

[+] I Just Registered for the 2014 NALTEA Conference! - Robert Franco/OH (4 replies)
9/27/2014 1:34:45 PM (3856 views)

[+] To Whom It May Concern: - Scott Perry/PA (5 replies)
9/25/2014 2:48:34 PM (2453 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Secure/Encrypted Email - Libby Turner/KY (3 replies)
9/23/2014 6:18:40 PM (1813 views)

indiana woman lives 8 years free in forgotten house - Sheila Sten/PA
9/22/2014 8:10:20 PM (1786 views)

Alabama State attorney: Photographing public records for free is "Stealing" - Edward Ulric/SC
9/22/2014 10:47:42 AM (1563 views)

More on the Maine Court Research Changes - Nils Nelson/ME
9/19/2014 5:00:40 PM (1321 views)

[+] Shared Driveway Easement - sharon tornes/MN (4 replies)
9/18/2014 10:49:02 PM (1791 views)

[+] Commforce - Suzi Wallace/CA (2 replies)
9/18/2014 4:54:17 PM (2114 views)

[+] Timley Documents - DAVID VOGELER/IL (1 reply)
9/16/2014 11:48:54 AM (2129 views)

[+] Payment issues with First American - Mark Charron/OH (1 reply)
9/16/2014 11:34:51 AM (2038 views)

"new order" from Eva Skufca - Elizabeth Helman/PA
9/15/2014 3:39:02 PM (1875 views)

[+] Mis Indexing by County - JOE Alvey/KY (10 replies)
9/15/2014 9:10:59 AM (2185 views)

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