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Your morning chuckle.... - Alix Ott/MI
2/3/2015 9:04:33 AM (2156 views)
Re: Your morning chuckle.... - Kurt deVries/FL
2/3/2015 10:17:47 AM (1813 views)
Re: Your morning chuckle.... - Renee  DeAngelo/NC
2/3/2015 11:41:16 AM (1826 views)
Re: Your morning chuckle.... - Renee  DeAngelo/NC
2/3/2015 10:37:36 AM (1752 views)
Re: Your morning chuckle.... - Roberta Dean/IN
2/3/2015 4:33:54 PM (1819 views)

NALTEA - Laurie E/MD
2/2/2015 10:01:30 AM (1978 views)
Re: NALTEA - Nils Nelson/ME
2/2/2015 2:30:39 PM (1792 views)
2/11/2015 10:45:59 AM (1524 views)

Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Elisabeth Thierstein/CA
1/27/2015 1:33:59 PM (2530 views)
Re: Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Elisabeth Thierstein/CA
2/12/2015 5:15:55 PM (1784 views)
Re: Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Nils Nelson/ME
2/12/2015 6:38:13 PM (1703 views)

Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Elisabeth Thierstein/CA
1/27/2015 1:32:19 PM (2688 views)
Re: Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Sherie  Reeves/KY
2/16/2015 1:33:40 PM (1853 views)
Re: Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Lu Rivera/PA
2/25/2015 12:29:17 AM (1848 views)
Re: Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Ryan Thorpe/NY
2/25/2015 12:10:35 PM (1649 views)

Florida attorney/title company - Smitty Strickland/SC
1/25/2015 1:02:08 PM (2361 views)
Re: Florida attorney/title company - David Bay/FL
1/26/2015 3:26:42 PM (1790 views)
Re: Florida attorney/title company - Smitty Strickland/SC
1/26/2015 3:33:27 PM (1824 views)

Capstone Title, LLC - Jim Ashley/WV
1/24/2015 1:54:24 PM (6681 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - M Adams/KY
2/7/2015 8:14:27 AM (2156 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Jim Ashley/WV
2/7/2015 8:17:03 AM (2076 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Jim Ashley/WV
2/9/2015 5:03:15 PM (1914 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Stephen Watson, Jr./WV
10/6/2015 4:25:59 PM (1714 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Catherine Beter/WV
2/16/2015 2:28:57 AM (1877 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Sherie  Reeves/KY
2/16/2015 1:37:39 PM (1845 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Will Duncan/NC
11/20/2015 3:25:47 PM (1663 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Kathy Byrd/KY
11/23/2015 9:09:46 AM (2613 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Lealon Drury/KY
11/29/2015 10:21:16 PM (1638 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Teresa  Combs/IL
4/14/2016 11:27:11 AM (1483 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Suzi Wallace/CA
2/22/2017 2:02:41 PM (1437 views)
Re: Capstone Title, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
2/27/2017 4:07:29 AM (1320 views)

RedVision Systems, Inc? - Serena Stout/VA
1/22/2015 7:15:21 PM (3546 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - RedVision HR Team/NJ
1/23/2015 3:59:46 PM (2535 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - Serena Stout/VA
1/23/2015 4:09:36 PM (2265 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - rod hefner/KS
1/23/2015 4:53:37 PM (2320 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
1/26/2015 1:33:09 AM (2187 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/26/2015 7:24:55 AM (2082 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - Conrad Ott/CT
1/27/2015 11:04:35 AM (2099 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - Mike McKeon/KS
1/31/2015 11:59:59 PM (2032 views)
Re: RedVision Systems, Inc? - Rita Killary/NY
3/31/2015 2:50:23 PM (1763 views)

Fidelity National Agency Solutions - Karen Hurley/KY
1/22/2015 5:34:02 PM (6456 views)
Re: Fidelity National Agency Solutions - Deb Luna/OH
2/2/2015 8:49:16 AM (1959 views)
Re: Fidelity National Agency Solutions - KEVIN MCGEE/IN
2/1/2016 3:39:56 PM (1506 views)

Ameristar--no pay - Roberta Dean/IN
1/21/2015 2:29:35 PM (2975 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - Renee  DeAngelo/NC
1/22/2015 12:38:39 PM (2428 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - New Vendor/TX
1/23/2015 2:53:44 PM (2714 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - Renee  DeAngelo/NC
1/24/2015 10:02:42 AM (2157 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - Douglas Hintzman/IA
1/26/2015 1:35:13 AM (2035 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - Sharon Yahraes/ID
1/26/2015 9:19:35 AM (2097 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - Sharon Yahraes/ID
1/27/2015 3:45:39 PM (1970 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - W. Dean Crawford/AL
2/2/2015 9:54:29 AM (1860 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay-UPDATE - W. Dean Crawford/AL
2/3/2015 3:10:34 PM (1842 views)
Re: Ameristar--no pay - Roberta Dean/IN
2/3/2015 4:29:52 PM (1872 views)

Archer Title Svcs - Petter Russo NON PAYER - Tamara Howard/FL
1/20/2015 9:04:24 AM (2070 views)

GLOBAL DATA SOURCE aka TITLE PREP Anyone NOT being Paid On Time? - Jeffrey  Jarrell/GA
1/15/2015 12:29:57 PM (2789 views)
Re: GLOBAL DATA SOURCE aka TITLE PREP Anyone NOT being Paid On Time? - Richard Primmer/RI
1/15/2015 5:25:15 PM (2136 views)
Re: GLOBAL DATA SOURCE aka TITLE PREP Anyone NOT being Paid On Time? - Catherine Jackson/NC
1/20/2015 9:17:42 AM (1876 views)
Re: GLOBAL DATA SOURCE aka TITLE PREP Anyone NOT being Paid On Time? - amanda  dominiak/MI
1/20/2015 12:53:08 PM (3809 views)
Re: GLOBAL DATA SOURCE aka TITLE PREP Anyone NOT being Paid On Time? - Eric Reed/WV
1/27/2015 1:17:19 AM (1783 views)

CURRENT NON PAYERS - Jeffrey  Jarrell/GA
1/15/2015 12:09:35 PM (4055 views)
Re: CURRENT NON PAYERS - Jeffrey  Jarrell/GA
1/15/2015 12:10:34 PM (2589 views)
1/17/2015 4:35:26 PM (2501 views)
1/19/2015 5:26:50 PM (2346 views)
1/19/2015 5:43:38 PM (2305 views)
Re: CURRENT NON PAYERS - Elisabeth Thierstein/CA
1/27/2015 1:02:05 PM (1995 views)
1/28/2015 8:08:08 PM (1935 views)
3/5/2015 5:36:39 PM (1864 views)
Re: CURRENT NON PAYERS - Mike Dickerson/AL
5/14/2015 5:17:44 PM (1722 views)

Global GIS implementation in CA? - William Pattison /CA
1/1/2015 4:04:54 PM (2505 views)
Re: Global GIS implementation in CA? - Donald Petersen/CA
1/5/2015 2:18:46 PM (1808 views)
Re: Global GIS implementation in CA? - William Pattison /CA
1/6/2015 12:36:18 PM (1712 views)
Re: Global GIS implementation in CA? - Donald Petersen/CA
1/7/2015 12:09:55 AM (1759 views)

I used to deal quite a bit with ABAG myself, and after I moved to Santa Cruz with their version of it down there, AMBAG. But my understanding af ABAG's  (and AMBAGS) role may be a bit different than yours.I've always been a nuts and bolts guy, not an administrator or manager type.

 It looks to me more like ABAG is simply becoming the outbound locus point for information contained in the member County(s) digital archives on a computer network being created specifically for the purpose of establishing Statewide access to all that very same information in every County in the State through one access portal. it's obvious that ABAG in its capacity has access to ALL of the records,, including the ones that you cannot access through the existing infrastructure, even though they may not use all of them.  .

My thinking  is that ABAG may have a greater part in this than you know, mainly because their stated function does not include operating a computer sub- network of sorts. The computer servers that access all of  the ABAG member Counties and Municipalities "Geospatial Data" archives located in each county are actually owned and operated by ABAG, and are physically located in Berkeley..So the information that ABAG is using to formulate it's own information/reports with respect to its own stated functions are coming from its' members archives as well as USGS and University and Research digital archives.. What you're really looking at here is the State of California creating a computer networking platform with ABAG serving as a digital locus point which is not an administrative, analytical, or political function either cited or inferred as one of ABAG's stated functions.. It's simply a matter of existing Information Technology being used to consolidate access to archived information located elsewhere..  

Above ABAG on the Governmental flow chart,, the State of California has a GIS organizing component under the California Division of Technology, which is supposed to be in charge of consolidating all of the digitized regional/local archival access statewide. ABAG is but one of the components in that network, but it will access the State to all 9 sets of those Governmental archives as well as the outboard University and Research group archives presently accessed by ABAG's system..

What you are really looking at here is the State of California creating this system for a multitude of its' own reasons and purposes that we are not privy to.. I spent about 1/3 of my working hours  from December of 2010 through December of  2013 accessing California County and in some instances Municipal government public records databases as a part of my job here in Phoenix, Arizona. Only a small amount of that information was retrieved from AMBAG member Counties, but the fact is Southern California has similar regional orgs  which are already in compliance with the State of California directives on this subject,,and we had access to both the SoCal online databases and their off line databases as well. Everything from maps of all sorts,zoning and use info, right down to pre-subdivision planning and engineering documents. If the documentation had in fact been digitized and was considered to be a "public record", we had access to it. But we could only do this because 1.) we had permission to do so from the database owners {the County(s) involved], and 2.) we had the programs on our computers ("apps" on a computing device) that allowed our computers to access to them through specifically designated web portals.. It would appear to me that the State is probably in the same boat as we were and is simply trying to get the system to conform to one universal standard as to data sharing/access..

So my thought is that this is probably more a case of the onward march of technology than anything else.

If it were a straight electrical engineering problem it would more than likely be analogously classified as an impedance mismatch. In other words the "mechanical" part of the system itself works, but one side of it is limiting flow so the rest of it doesn't work to it's full potential.







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Re: Global GIS implementation in CA? - Slade Smith/OH
1/7/2015 1:54:51 PM (1655 views)
Re: Global GIS implementation in CA? - Michael Madden/RI
1/12/2015 11:07:25 AM (1577 views)

Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/1/2015 11:53:48 AM (3792 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - William Pattison /CA
1/1/2015 3:33:40 PM (2311 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/1/2015 8:08:59 PM (2176 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - William Pattison /CA
1/1/2015 10:42:47 PM (2091 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/5/2015 6:41:52 AM (1841 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Alix Ott/MI
1/5/2015 8:07:50 AM (2075 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/5/2015 8:13:37 AM (1976 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Alix Ott/MI
1/5/2015 8:44:57 AM (1883 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Nancy Sgroi/ME
1/7/2015 6:19:13 PM (1809 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/7/2015 6:23:56 PM (1849 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Michael Madden/RI
1/8/2015 2:57:53 PM (1820 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/8/2015 4:05:07 PM (1948 views)

Just couldn't resist this - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/31/2014 7:18:01 AM (2895 views)
Re: Just couldn't resist this - Michael Madden/RI
12/31/2014 1:52:38 PM (1813 views)
Re: Just couldn't resist this - Michael Madden/RI
12/31/2014 1:53:52 PM (1873 views)
Re: Just couldn't resist this - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/31/2014 2:29:43 PM (1711 views)
Re: Just couldn't resist this - Robert Franco/OH
1/1/2015 11:29:20 AM (1676 views)
Re: Just couldn't resist this - Scott Perry/PA
1/2/2015 12:33:08 AM (1733 views)
Re: Just couldn't resist this - Nancy Sgroi/ME
1/7/2015 6:04:26 PM (1702 views)

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