I'm a title examiner and I read EVERY SINGLE PAGE? You know why? People make mistakes ALL THE TIME. On the run sheets, in the deeds, etc etc etc.
How about the 3 deeds from current owner that were all recorded with the wrong legal description over the last 10 years?? Or the fact that someone died and the estate wasn't properly probated and there is now a 1/2 owner interest from 10 years ago that needs to be cured?
Of the fact that the search put on their run sheet that there were no E & R's but in reading the deeds you find there were multiple easements and/or restrictions. Or that condo association's 3rd amendment changed the complex into an age restrictive community or a low-moderate income housing that will affect how we write our commitment and insure the final policy.
I want COPIES since most searchers do not have the time to read 500 pages of CCRs of a condo, etc. but I WILL cos that's my job !
This is INSURANCE people. Mistakes = claims In NJ, the title fees are regulated. Copies are pass through charges to the buyer/owner client. As are ALL 3rd party charges.
So MAKE YOUR CLIENTS PAY YOU FOR THE COPIES! I'd worry that a credible company would NOT want all those copies since it's their liability if the search is not complete due to the agent/underwriter accepting only a first page or relying on a searcher's written transcript of 100 E&Rs vs the actual copies.
Our job at the table is to eliminate or identify ALL RISKS. It's hard to do if we only get partial information.
I know the searchers don't want to tell what they are charging for searches, so I will mention that the average I see being charged in NJ is around $55 - 80 for COS and $75-90 for full 60 year
The NJ pricing is based on the state fees. Since an agency can only charge $100 for the exam (meaning search and not an actual examination of title) most the searchers keep the base fee under the $100 mark in order to get the business since most agencies won't pay over the $100 and lose money on the search (we can charge ONLY the $100 even if it cost us more)
And, the searchers just add the copy fee to their invoice. Again, we are regulated as to what can be charged for copies as well here in NJ.
That's my 2 cents
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