When any examiner buys copies from a county office for their search that purchased copy is the property of the examiner not the party who ordered the title search with copies. When the examiner submits their report with the copies and the ordering party pays for the report and copies then and only then are the copies theirs. Even if the copies are of little cost or available via an on line site even those copies are not free. The cost of paper and toner do have a cost in addition to the time to print and read all those copies provided with a report. If a client does not want to pay for copies that are available via an on line site they can order their title search without the copies from the examiner and print the copies themselves. That is a time consuming project that the examiner should do for free? Who works for free?
So if the examiner charges for copies it is no different than ordering a cheeseburger and expecting it to be the same price as the hamburger without cheese. The copies are the cheese!
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