I just had another thought or two about this.
What if you did have a criminal history. What if that history wasn't fraud but was say drug related crimes. Non-violent crimes? Felonies/misdemeanors?
How about if the crimes happened 20 years ago.
How about if you went to prison or did county jail time & having completed your sentence were out & free and looking to start again- as a freelancer since you didn't want to go through the misery of explaining your past to every Tom, Dick & Harry on the planet.
What would any of this have to do with the production of readable, presentable, accurate title reports (the answer as far as I am concerned is *nothing*).
I've known fraudsters. I've met attorneys - worked with them actually- who ended up in prison for fraud & I would probably not want to entrust them with a whole lot of closings, if I did closings; but title abstracting is a different thing altogether.
This still doesn't pass the smell test for me
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