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[-] AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Heidi Gemeling/FL (10 replies)
12/30/2014 2:03:00 PM (3778 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Vendor Management/NE
12/30/2014 3:27:39 PM (2109 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Heidi Gemeling/FL
12/30/2014 4:14:01 PM (1916 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Carl Ashford/CO
12/30/2014 3:31:59 PM (1825 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Ted Williamson/TX
1/5/2015 5:32:56 AM (1782 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Heidi Gemeling/FL
1/5/2015 9:24:57 AM (1661 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Joyce Froelich/NM
1/5/2015 11:27:10 PM (1629 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Crystal Hernandez/OH
1/9/2015 9:25:18 AM (1667 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Lawrence (Larry) Dell/MI
1/12/2015 3:06:35 PM (1504 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Jeffrey  Jarrell/GA
1/15/2015 12:13:35 PM (1479 views)
Re: AMERICAN TITLE, INC. - Kim or Mike Goodman/GA
2/11/2016 7:52:41 PM (1215 views)

We have done work for about a year for American Title Inc. in Omaha NE.. Seems every search that we do for American Title Inc. is much more than a "current owner" search as they need it "out of the family" (per the instructions on their order form) but they don't want to pay for any more than a current owner search. I just completed a "current owner" search where the current owner bought the property in 1962 and Vendor Management doesn't want to pay for a full search so they "pulled the order". Scummy way to run a business. Seems the Management wants all searches done for CHEAP. And if it is a full or 50 year search they still want it CHEAP. 

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12/30/2014 11:31:34 AM (1739 views)

[+] Carlisle Title out of Texas - John Baker/OH (1 reply)
12/29/2014 10:39:18 AM (2840 views)

[+] Comment on "Liability for Notarizing a Signature That Turns Out to be Forged" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
12/29/2014 8:54:51 AM (2083 views)

[+] http://e.3875.com/christmas/ep2.html? - Brenda Tyson/CO (1 reply)
12/24/2014 2:59:26 PM (11577 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Happy Holidays Everyone! - Heidi Gemeling/FL (1 reply)
12/24/2014 2:34:47 PM (1861 views)

[+] Knowledge Splice Services - Bill Arnold/TN (9 replies)
12/23/2014 12:50:19 PM (2573 views)

[+] 3% down - blessing or curse?? - Leigh Attridge/MA (11 replies)
12/17/2014 7:02:23 PM (2072 views)

[+] United Lender Services (ULS) No Payers - Mike McKeon/KS (1 reply)
12/16/2014 10:29:04 AM (2393 views)

[+] non payment - SHELIA DENMARK/GA (8 replies)
12/15/2014 3:55:25 PM (3348 views)

[+] What I don't understand.... - Nils Nelson/ME (30 replies)
12/15/2014 12:04:23 PM (2701 views)

[+] E&O Providers - Kevin McCarthy/TX (4 replies)
12/13/2014 11:41:29 AM (2751 views)

[+] A Come on man moment. - JOE Alvey/KY (17 replies)
12/11/2014 8:24:01 PM (2621 views)

[+] How to handle references - Heidi Gemeling/FL (2 replies)
12/11/2014 4:11:51 AM (2168 views)

[+] Beware of CLS Direct NY - Priscilla Galbreath/VA (4 replies)
12/10/2014 11:33:47 AM (2222 views)

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