Exactly, this is not a buffet table, so how can one person exert their views on it when other minds including some of the best pastors, theologians and semianarians in the world have a different view?
How can we hold on to one part of Leviticus, and disregard the rest if not choosing from this buffet table ?
This is hardly a creative and clever set of interpretive acrobatics to be arrogantly dismissed without being read, but just a bit of the writings by many who make a living studying God's word. So we have different opinions. The mature Christians in my denomination believe differently than your's. The Word does not become outmoded, just better informed. God still speaks.
I was at one time with the Methodist church. A little boy, who loved caring for younger children and helping the choir, talked to the pastor because he was different from other little boys. He was gay. The pastor had to follow the book of disciple for his denomination. He could not tell him God made him the way he was for His reasons and he was perfect just as he was. He had to follow the party line. About the best he could do was tell him God was with him, we do not understand His ways, but he could never act on the way he was. He could never marry or have an intimate partner for life or raise a family. Later that little boy talked to a church lady who witnessed some Leviticus and Romans to him. How cruel and impossible this must have all seemed! The result was the 12 year old was found hanging by his brother, who managed to save his life but the boy was brain damaged. He now has nothing to do with church. That same little boy at my UCC church, for instance, and many others, would grow up happy, well balanced, able to love, marry, raise a family,and fulfill God's purpose for his life. His would not have to worry about rejection or his parents throwing him out, or face suicide. However you may choose to read a few passages it is very obvious which way is the path of grace and love.
It is clear what your views are and mine. God's ways are inexplainable. Perhaps even though your views are unchangeable, and I hope they do not hurt anyone you know and love, my prayer is this thread has helped another who really needs to see it to know we are all loved and divinely made. There are no mistakes, and there are thousands of Christ followers who believe very diffently than you. Thank God!
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