@Constance... thank you for your comments on everything, I also mentioned abortion but you forgot to comment on that...
"medical" marijuana is a flat out joke and you gotta love all the "reports" supporting it... oh yea light it up baby because inhaling burnt weed smoke into your lungs is really helping you - it causes cell damage, lung & respiratory disease & leads to emphysema /cancer - emphysema killed a friend of mine because they smoked pot on a regular basis for many years... people just like to get high and the hippies will never die
You asked how same sex marriage affects me directly.... it is not about me.... it affects this nation and the family structure in a very negative way. It is not natural & if it were we would have been made to procreate that way (there is no arguing) children are more confused than ever in this generation, people think they are men one day then a women the next ...confusion...
you said that my argument (you spelled argument wrong) about marrying a child or animal falls flat because it violates the rights of the child or animal, as they now stand... therefore the logic I used in my argument is correct because "as they now stand" can easily be changed to a legal "right" according to a new bill and a vote as we are seeing change happen all the time. I could go further but will not
*** The reason I brought up the marijuana law and mentioned about abortion along with the subject of same sex marriage is to bring out the point that although you now have the "legal rights" to participate in the act, it does not make it right.... rights are not always right
*** You said "What you seem to be looking for is some sort of equivalent (you spelled equivalent wrong) to Sharia law/religious law, which is not the way they US is governed" .... Sharia law??? Are you a nut case or what....?? .... Our Country actually is governed by biblical based religious laws, depending on the jurisdiction you live in...but they are becoming less and less... In God we Trust is printed on our money & the Constitutional laws were based from the bible when written .... at this point people like to quote the amendment to the Constitution of the separation of church & state..... sadly the amendment is now a days highly taken out of context.... Jefferson created the amendment to protect people from a forced religion by the state & to make sure people had the right to exercise their freedom of religion.
Pay attention to the red squiggly lines that show up under the words you type... it means you got them wrong... you may need more red squiggly lines in your life.
I will not be responding to this thread any more
Cheers all!
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