TJ, you've already expressed that your views on homosexuality are religiously based. Fortunately, our government doesn't (typically, at least on the Federal level) apply laws on the basis of the religious views of some. What you seem to be looking for is some sort of equivelant to Sharia law/religious law, which is not the way they US is governed. You've made all of your views very clear, and it's obvious that nothing anyone argues is going to help you better understand. You've made the typical/predictable jump from marriage between same sex people all the way to marriage to children and animals. You've made your views clear that people can't accept others for who they are unless it was a Hollywood conspiracy to shove it down their throats and brainwashing them into believing to "love one another".
I'm not sure what the medical marijuana laws have to do with any of this, but you seem to feel that low-income people do not deserve the same medical treatment options as those who are wealthy (Not sure which religion you practice, but most religions require love and compassion for our fellow man and for us to help the needy)... Your arguement about marrying a child or animal falls flat because it violates the rights of the child or animal, as they now stand. But two consenting adults (THAT is the law) making a decision to legally marry, does not infringe in any way on anyone else's rights or liberties. I always try to understand (and thus far, no one has been able to answer) how it hurts anyone else. Can I ask you directly, how 2 people getting married (regardless of sex/gender of the people) impacts YOU or infringes on YOUR (or anyone else's) rights?
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