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[+] Your morning chuckle.... - Alix Ott/MI (4 replies)
2/3/2015 9:04:33 AM (2044 views)

[+] NALTEA - Laurie E/MD (2 replies)
2/2/2015 10:01:30 AM (1875 views)

[+] Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Elisabeth Thierstein/CA (2 replies)
1/27/2015 1:33:59 PM (2397 views)

[+] Vanguard Data Solutions -NON PAYER - Elisabeth Thierstein/CA (3 replies)
1/27/2015 1:32:19 PM (2571 views)

[+] Florida attorney/title company - Smitty Strickland/SC (2 replies)
1/25/2015 1:02:08 PM (2248 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Capstone Title, LLC - Jim Ashley/WV (12 replies)
1/24/2015 1:54:24 PM (6539 views)

[+] RedVision Systems, Inc? - Serena Stout/VA (8 replies)
1/22/2015 7:15:21 PM (3405 views)

[+] Fidelity National Agency Solutions - Karen Hurley/KY (2 replies)
1/22/2015 5:34:02 PM (6307 views)

[+] Ameristar--no pay - Roberta Dean/IN (9 replies)
1/21/2015 2:29:35 PM (2841 views)

Archer Title Svcs - Petter Russo NON PAYER - Tamara Howard/FL
1/20/2015 9:04:24 AM (1963 views)

[+] GLOBAL DATA SOURCE aka TITLE PREP Anyone NOT being Paid On Time? - Jeffrey  Jarrell/GA (4 replies)
1/15/2015 12:29:57 PM (2642 views)

[+] CURRENT NON PAYERS - Jeffrey  Jarrell/GA (8 replies)
1/15/2015 12:09:35 PM (3925 views)

[+] Global GIS implementation in CA? - William Pattison /CA (5 replies)
1/1/2015 4:04:54 PM (2355 views)

[-] Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME (11 replies)
1/1/2015 11:53:48 AM (3642 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - William Pattison /CA
1/1/2015 3:33:40 PM (2015 views)

it is primarily a utility easement and access research project from the 1970's.  cell towers came about with the invention of cell phone services, so they would not go back before this time.  the easements can be map easements, deed easements, right of ways, commercial leases etc.  verification of access is also important.  most research also requires a current copy of the land owners' vesting deed too.  include any current property tax data on the easement lot.  the other records that you mentioned can be useful in narrowing the search parameters, but are probably not critical to the search report unless client specifies them.

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Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/1/2015 8:08:59 PM (1881 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - William Pattison /CA
1/1/2015 10:42:47 PM (1778 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/5/2015 6:41:52 AM (1517 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Alix Ott/MI
1/5/2015 8:07:50 AM (1748 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/5/2015 8:13:37 AM (1676 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Alix Ott/MI
1/5/2015 8:44:57 AM (1582 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Nancy Sgroi/ME
1/7/2015 6:19:13 PM (1497 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/7/2015 6:23:56 PM (1524 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Michael Madden/RI
1/8/2015 2:57:53 PM (1515 views)
Re: Cell Tower Searches - Lorri Eaton/ME
1/8/2015 4:05:07 PM (1645 views)

[+] Just couldn't resist this - Leigh Attridge/MA (6 replies)
12/31/2014 7:18:01 AM (2761 views)

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